Chap. 11

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Authors note. I changed the mentor of Dawnpaw, it's not Blossomfall anymore it's now  Dovewing. And I hope you start voting soon, I'm sorry for not updating in a while. ;) I will update more often if you vote :) i made a mistake and made ivypool have  two apprentices, oops, sorry for the confusion. :)
"I, Firestar, Leader of Thunderclan,wish to make new warriors, in doing so, I will make new apprentices." Firestar began. "Sunkit, Oakkit, and Stormkit, do you wish to train as warriors?" Firestar asked wisely.
"Yes!" The kits yowled excitedly.
"Sunkit, your name will be Sunpaw, your mentor will be Brackenfur." Firestar said as Brackenfur touched noses with the new apprentice. " Stormkit, your name will be Stompaw, your mentor will be Dovewing." Mentor and apprentice touched noses together for the first time. "Oakkit, your name will be Oakpaw-" Jayfeather interrupted Firestar.
"I need you in our den, bring Liontail, Stormheart, Brackenfur, Cloudtail, Graystripe, and Sanstorm." Jayfeather informed.
"It's important enough for us to interrupt a clan meeting, it is Firestar." Leafpool soothed kind of. Soon I was in the medicine den with a few senior warriors and Stormheart. I was wondering what could be so important to interrupt her leaders words in a traditional ceremony. Soon her thoughts were answered.
"I have asked you to come in here because me and Jayfeather have had a sign." Leafpool flicked her tail at her former apprentice.
"We think we know what it means." Jayfeather started informing his clanmates. "The omen was more of a vision. We were at the lake and we saw 3 cats drowning, more like swimming in the lake, the lake was full of blood, the first cat was a sunny looking tom with a golden-ish pelt. The second was an oak colored tom with brown and orange dashed here and there. The final one was a she cat, a stormy looking cat with long, soft, gray, fur. Then a great cat of ancient Tigerclan came, he killed the first one, trained the second one, made the second one do whatever he wanted by hurting the third one. Then, the tiger-cat stood on a great rock, greater than the one at fourtrees, and looked down and killed the clans that didn't listen to him. But the oak colored cat came back and sought revenge on his enemy and the clans enemy, Tigerstar." Jayfeather ended.
"I think I know what they are trying to say, your kits-" Leafpool began.
"What about our kits, he won't hurt them! I won't let him!" Stormheart growled protectively.
"Your kits will be fine. Your kits will have great destinies, including Sunpaw, Oakpaw will be leader, Sunpaw can choose if he wants to be deputy, Stormpaw will be a great mother, and maybe follow her brothers paths. They will be fine." Leafpool attempted to sooth the worried couple.
"They will be fine, under Thunderclan's protection, yours, and mine." Firestar soothed his oldest daughter in a trustworthy way.
"So we can clear this up and finish the ceremonies, what does it officially mean? In warrior terms?" Sandstorm asked doubtfully.
"Tigerstar will try to kill Sunpaw first, we must protect him, we must keep Stormpaw from him too, and for Oakpaw, we must remind him what is right." Firestar told the worried cats.
"Ok, so, we must tell the mentors of, this, prophecy." Graystripe said.
"Yes, we will, Cloudtail go get Dovewing, Brackenfur, and, my bad, Oakpaw doesn't have a mentor yet!" Liontail howled.
"I will go finish the meeting, come on." Firestar commanded. "Sorry for the interruptions, important business, nothing to worry about." Firestar said confidently. "Oakpaw, your mentor will be Mousewhisker." Firestar finished the ceremony. "Sunpaw, Oakpaw, Stormpaw!" Everyone cheered. "Sunpaw, Oakpaw, Stormpaw!" Soon the meeting was over and Cloudtail had just fetched the new mentors. Soon they were told about the prophecy and knew what it meant. "What do we do about it?" Dovewing asked, this being her first apprentice.
"Dovewing, you will need to make sure Stormpaw is safe and in Thunderclan territory, if anyone sees something that's frightening her, calm her down and bring her to me." Jayfeather said.
"Mousewhisker, make sure Oakpaw knows the warrior code well, teach him his strength, show him how to use it, but let him make his own decisions." Firestar commanded. "Make sure Sunpaw is never alone, when he's sent out on a patrol alone, send some other cat with him, anyone, an apprentice will do, just watch him, have some cat follow him, he's important. He will have great destiny too, I'm sure of it. Tigerstar won't her my clan again!" Firestar promised. Soon it was night fall, her kits in the apprentice den, her mate next to her, once more, she felt frightened, but strong, stronger than Lionclan, strong enough to protect Thunderclan, protect her kits. She dozed off into a dream. A different one from the other ones, very different, sad too.
I will continue another chapter in her dream, I just want to give out a chapter. You've all been so patient. :) happy late Valentine's Day!

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