The Dark Forest/ birth

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" Final push." Leafpool said calmly.
"Ok." Liontail grunted.
"Two strong toms and, and a beautiful stormy pelted she kit." Leafpool said admiringly at her kin.
"Can I come in?" Stormheart said peeking into the nursery excitedly, fast, and proud.
"Yes, you must help her name them, you need to be in their life too." Leafpool said remembering her kits lives.
"That ones a Tom, let's name him Sunkit, what do you think? He's got your pelt, golden in shade, fire-y in the sun." Stormheart asked gently but proud.
"Yes, that's perfect. The She kit looks, like a storm licked her pelt, how about Stormkit?" Liontail said while licking the she kit.
"Of course." Stormheart replied.
"I think that one looks like an oak tree, how about Oakkit?" Firestar spoke to his daughter for the first time.
"I like it, do you, Stormheart?" Liontail qeustioned her mate.
"Yes, it's great, he out to be a great warrior, all three of them should be." Stormheart responded proudly.
" I came in here because I need all my senior warriors, I think your kits are beautiful, but they could be in danger, come with me to the clearing." Firestar was saying.
"No, she can't get stressed, she's a new mother!" Leafpool spoke up.
"She is a strong she cat, she would do anything to protect her kits and Thunderclan, she's got Stormheart beside her, and she is my deputy." Firestar argued lightly.
"Fine." Leafpool said. Soon I was in the clearing while my kits were suckling quietly with Squirrefight.
"Who's going to be deputy while she's in the nursery?" Greystripe asked with plain curiosity.
"I will appoint Stormheart deputy by moonhigh." Firestar announced.
"What? I can still be deputy! Let me be deputy. I'll show you, I can do it, I just can't take patrols." Liontail pleaded.
"No," It was Stormheart who answered. "You aren't going to be deputy, you need to take care of our kits, you need rest, the kits need you, I need you healthy, I love you." Stormheart finished.
"Okay." Liontail agreed from her mates words.
"Then that's settled, Stormheart will be deputy until Liontail is out of the nursery." Firestar announced.
"There is StarClan. " Firestar began.
"There are cats who don't belong there, ones like Tigerstar, they do not deserve to go to StarClan. They, instead go to The dark Forest. The Dark Forest is a gloomy forest with muddy rivers, no prey, and no stars. It's also known as The Place of No Stars. Leafpool and Jayfeather interpreped an omen from Starclan, Dark against Light, Lion Against Tiger, Lion will win, one of Lions kin will fall." Firestar finished.
"What does it mean?" Sandstrorm asked.
"It means, at least we think, the Clans will meet in battle against the dark forest, we will win. We don't know the last part, well we're not sure, but we think it means that some great cat will die, were not sure what cat though, we think it's your kin." Jayfeather flicked his tail at Liontail.
"My kin? Me? My kits?!" Liontail growled.
"I won't let them!" Stormheart half growled half soothed.
"We don't think it's your kits, StarClan wouldn't let them die so young, I'm sure it's not them." Leafpool reassured her sister and her sisters mate. Soon Stormheart was appointed deputy and she was in the quiet nursery with her kits huddled against her. Everything was perfect. Why did Tigerstar have to interfere when her kits were only a day old? Will I survive to care for them? She went to sleep with thoughts going through her head about the prophecy.

Vote and comment thanks guys for waiting for an update. Sorry, lots of homework this week, interesting part though? Huh. ⬆️🔝Thanks
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