Chapter 25

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Yay, 25 chapters!

Liontail was sleeping soundly, but she knew Stormheart wasn't. He had been dreaming, and already, she had had to wake him up twice.
She hoped he would be alright..... Liontail sighed again. Sunpaw, Oakpaw, and Stormpaw were all asleep quietly in the apprentices' den, although she still believed they should be in the warriors' den with her. Even Edgepaw and Violetpaw should be, and they were apprenticed later.
"Grrrr." A sound ehoed through her ears. "Who's there?" Liontail sat up, swiveling her ears.

Nothing responded. With a heave, the golden she cat stood onto her paws. Brightheart, who would be standing guard now, should know to look out for something.
Padding outside, Liontail stifled a yawn.

"What are you doing up so late? You attended the Gathering."
Liontail almost jumped at her father's voice. "So did you," She replied smoothly.
Firestar was sitting below the Highledge quietly, his tail wrapped around around his paws. Although he was groomed neatly, she could tell her father was stressed.
"Have you come to ask me when your kits will be made warriors again?" Firestar questioned. "No, I," Liontail hesitated. Her father was already stressed out enough, even though she didn't know what about. I'm his deputy and daughter, I need to help him somehow. "I just wanted to see how Brightheart was holding up."

"That doesn't mean anything," Firestar nodded, then bringing up the old topic. Liontail cut off her father before he could continue. "Do you want to go on a hunting patrol with Sandstorm tomorrow? I can arrange it." Liontail offered.
To her disappointment, he shook his head.

"I've got things to be done, Liontail. I'm glad you're trying,"
Firestar's eyes were closing slowly, blinking every few seconds to stay open. "Get some rest," Liontail meowed. "I'll put you on a late patrol." She murmured.
Firestar didn't argue. For a second, Liontail though he had fallen asleep, but was reassured when he stood and climbed up into his den.

She nodded with silent satisfaction. Liontail walked to the camp entrance and stepped through the thorns and brambles.
"Brightheart?" She flicked her whiskers with a paw to smooth them.

The one-eyed she cat turned. "Liontail?" The golden she nodded.
"Is somethig wrong?" Ginger and white fur was barely visible on Cloudtail's mate.

"No, well, yes. Not really, I just heard a soft growl. I thought you might want to know." Liontail mewed, sitting down to make herself comfortable. "Oh, thanks. It's probably nothing, but it might turn out to be something." Brightheart mewed.

"Let's hope it isn't." Liontail meowed, staring off into the trees. "I think it was just my ears playing tricks on me. It probably was." She muttered softly. "I'm blind in one eye, not deaf." Brightheart reminded her.

Liontail hadn't expected that she would hear her. "Oh, sorry, er-" 

"It's alright. I'm used to it. Cloudtail still does it sometimes, believe it or not." She chuckled. "Everyone looks up to you, you know." Liontail looked at the older warrior. Confusion glazed her eyes. "Firestar has been off lately, and I've noticed some cats looking to you for answers. You're just to blind to see it."

Liontail scoffed lightly. She thought, I'm not the blind one here.

"What do you mean?" She asked politely. Liontail tried thinking of a time when a cat looked at her instead of Firestar, their own leader.

"Why do you think every cat kept asking you if they could go to the Gathering? Because they wanted some quality chat time?" Brightheart asked smugly. Liontail narrowed her eyes.

"Firestar was probably busy, out on patrol or asleep. I'm always available." 

Brightheart frowned. "Always available? That sounds like leader material to me." 

Liontail tried thinking of something else while Brightheart spoke again. "Firestar hasn't looked at the apprentices in a moon. That's why they're still apprentices, Liontail. Because he hasn't taken the chance to assess their skills, or let anyone else do it."

Liontail flicked her tail. "Name one more thing." She was deeply interested on what the she cat would say next. Surely she could prove her point this time.

"If you don't believe me, then you don't. You'll have to wait to find out for yourself then. Now, go get some sleep." Brightheart dismissed her. Liontail grudgingly listened to the senior warrior. She stepped through thorns sleepily, sleep coming over her eyelids. She forced them open before she reached her nest. Crawling into it after getting into the den, she slipped down beside her mate. Stormheart was sleeping peacefully.

"Where were you?" Stormheart's voice mewed. Liontail looked into his eyes. He had said it gently, caring, and full of drowsy slurs. She smiled. "Oh, just checking up on Brightheart while she guarded camp." She replied, inching as close to him as she could. "Mmmmh, okay." Stormheart purred, blinking warmly, then licking her cheek. Liontail purred back.

"Quiet! No cat can get any sleep right now with you two up." A hushed hiss came. Liontail and Stormheart closed their eyes despite Brackenfur's warning. 

Stormpaw's P.O.V. 

"Shh." She hissed. Her brothers were just so obnoxious!  Or, at least, now.

 "Go to sleep."  Stormpaw whispered again. "Sorry, we can't." Oakpaw said. What? Can't? Mouse dung.

"What do you mean?" She asked, sitting up in her nest. "Spill it." 

Sunpaw and Oakpaw shared a glance before shifting themselves to face her, sitting with their heads bowed. "What's going on?" Edgepaw, beside Stormpaw, sat up with a sleepy expression, blinking his eyelids a few times. His black fur made Stormpaw feel warm, the moon sparkling onto his pelt. "Nothing, Edgepaw. Just go back to sleep." She said gently.

Oakpaw snickered. Edgepaw nodded, blinked and curled back up behind her. She turned back to her smiling brothers. "What?" She asked irritably.

"You're practically a badger to us, but a flower to him? What do you think, Sunpaw? You think our sister likes him?" Oakpaw snickered again. Sunpaw laughed lightly.

"Yeah, definitely. What else could it be, friendship?" Her golden brother meowed playfully. "What are you talking about, furballs?" She hissed, her claws sliding in and out softly, grazing the moist dirt.

"You've been mooning over Edgepaw since he joined the clan, Stormpaw. This isn't why we're up, so I'll spill it if you want." 

Before Stormpaw could speak again, Sunpaw began the explaining. She listened intently as her brother said everything. The Dark Forest? Secret mentors? Hostages? Hawkfrost? Tigerstar? This is to much to handle....

The end! Not entirely. I'm thinking about two to four more chapters at the most. Hope you enjoyed! Yay!

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