Chap. 14

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"Where is Mistyfoot on this great night, surely not sick?" Firestar asked concerned, Mistyfoot, Graystripe, the former Thunderclan leader Bluestar, Firestar, and Stonefur were all connected. Bluestar had kits, which were Mistyfoot and Stonefur, Fireheart was her deputy then, Graystripe helped them somehow. (Stonefur is dead because of Blackstar, Tigerstar, and partially Leopardstar, it took a lot form Mistyfoot to forgive her.) "No cat is sick in Riverclan, she is here, she's just talking to Brambleclaw, can't you see? She lead a patrol around the lake yesterday at dawn and happened to see something unusual going on in the woods in Thunderclan territory, she was just asking!" Leopardstar hissed. "Shouldn't she ask Liontail or me instead? Liontail is deputy, doesn't it seem right?" Firestar asked calmly.
"She scented Brambleclaw." Leopardstars fur flattened as she retorted a response. Mistyfoot came over from her conversation with Brambleclaw, I hope Squirrelflight doesn't catch wind of this, she's a bit insecure about Brambleclaw, she does have her rights though, he might dislike her for once loving Ashfur. "Shall we start the meeting now?" Blackstar looked at Mistyfoot. "Yes." Onestar hissed through gritted teeth.
"You start, Leopardstar. You came up with the idea." Firestar encouraged the old leader.
"Yes, Riverclan is doing just fine. Mothwing is low on a few supplies, she was wondering if she had your permission to accept Leafpool's offer." Leopardstar looked at Firestar.
"Yes, as long as Leafpool does wish so. Continue." Firestar said.
"Prey is swimming well, we chased off a few Windclan dogs, we have recovered." Leopardstar finished starring at Onestar. "I will start I guess." Blackstar noticed tension between the two leaders. "We found an old fox set in our territory, we chased them out sparing the cubs. We decided it would be the best, after all we have lost two cats to this, this Starclan struggle. Shadowclan is fine." Blackstar announced.
"I'll start?" Firestar asked. The other leaders nodded. "We decided to do this meeting to prepare you for what might come." Firestar looked at all the deputies. "We fear something unknown yet, but when it comes, we will know. Thunderclan is fine. We have had no prey problems, and no border skirmishes. All is well." Firestar dipped his head to Onestar. "We chased off two dogs, we have more apprentices, and warriors, one has retired to the elders den, prey is running well."
"Thunderclan also has new apprentices, I almost forgot." Firestar said.
"Well let's start the gathering." Blackstar said. Firestar jumped up onto one of the Great Oaks branches and called out the normal greeting for the gathering to start as the other leaders got on their seats near him. "Let all cats joined beneath StarClan hear our words!" Firestar called out. I sat on the roots below the Great Oak with the other deputies. "You start." Firestar flicked his tail at Leopardstar.
"Riverclan is doing well, new kits born to Treenose and cloverfur. The prey is swimming smoothly, we chased off two dogs, we have recovered well despite that. Riverclan is well." Leopardstar finished. She flicked her tail at Onestar. "Windclan has two new warriors to welcome, Heatherfoot, and sleekrunner,
Heatherfoot, sleekrunner! The clans chanted. "We have some new apprentices to announce as well, Emberpaw, Flypaw, and Shrewpaw, and Redpaw!" I noticed the Windclan apprentices were sitting proud, with supposedly their mentors, puffed up chests and eyes glowing. "We have Flightclaw retiring to the elders den. We chased off two dogs, Woolyfur and a patrol chased them out of clan territory. Prey is running well. I felt a familiar presence when I looked at Redpaw. I noticed Heathertail looking proud, she must be his mentor. Wise choice. Onestar flicked his tail at Firestar to start.
"Thunderclan is thriving. We have 3 new apprentices, Oakpaw, Sunpaw, and Stormpaw!" I saw my kits sitting by some Riverclan apprentices and their new mentors. Stormheart looked at me with pride, I felt my chest puff with it, I couldn't help but do so. Firestar continued. "We also found a rogue mother with her kits, they are not here tonight, we hope they will stay with us, they would make a good addition to Thunderclan." Firestar dipped his head to the Shadowclan leader. Blackstar, Leopardstar and Onestar made looks at each other, I growled a bit. "All is well in Shadowclan. Rowanclaw and his patrol chased off a mother fox and her cubs. All is well." Blackstar puffed out his chest to look stronger, he seemed, more, fragile, he must be getting older, or Shadowclan is starving. The gathering was over in a single raindrop. Clouds covered the sky, not the moon or stars, you could still see them. I was wondering if, he, he, was up there. Stormheart seemed concerned, he came padding over to where I was sheltering under a tree looking at the stars. "You still miss him." Stormheart didn't look at me. He just looked up at the brightest star, the one I thought was him. I said nothing in reply. "Thunderclan, we're leaving!" Firestar called looking at me and Stormheart, he nodded, letting me know to walk in the back, he understood me so well, I'm glad I have such a good clan, family, life. "I only wish you are happy Liontail." Stormheart spoke as we started towards the border.
" I know, but I can't help but think of him every time we cross a Riverclan border. We are so far away from him." I spoke the words like a rock was clogging my throat. Stormheart sighed. "I wish he was here too. But we would have never, never become mates, you wanted to be with him first." Stormheart glanced at me. "I know why Firestar wanted to name Oakpaw, he wanted to resemble him." Stormheart was quickening his pace, I did the same. We were falling behind.
"He was a good warrior. A strong, smart, sleek...
Riverclan warrior." Stormheart finished what I started to say. I sighed, Stormheart licked my ear. He whispered " I love you, I always have, always will." We walked the rest of the way home in silence, side by side, ear to ear.

Author's note
I hope you liked that twist, I will get more into this conversation again soon. Please COMMENT AND VOTE.

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