Chap. 17

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(Sorry for the late update)

"What should we do?" Cloudtail started scenting the trail.
"Brackenfur, Sunpaw, go with Squirrelflight, Cloudtail, Foxleap, come with me. We're going to split up, and track. They might be hiding, I thought I smelt some Riverclan, Shadowclan and Windclan." My sister started to speak. "I thought I smelt a few, uh, unusual scents."
"We should chase those flee pelts out of Thunderclan territory!" Foxleap started to bristle, claws unsheathed.
"Ya! We can chase those Shadowclan kits out! Show 'em Thunderclan warriors aren't a bunch of cowards!" Sunpaw flexed his claws pretending to pounce at a Shadowclan cat. "Keep your fur on! We're not attacking Shadowclan! Not yet anyway," Cloudtail silenced the young cats, whispering the last part.
"Sorry," Both toms muttered, Foxleap in defiance, Sunpaw in shame. Sunpaw was going to be a noble warrior, he was loyal, smart, brave, and strong. I flicked my tail and we went on our separate patrols. "Come, we need to track the scent." Cloudtail took the lead instinctively. "I, I, recognize the scent. Liontail?" Cloudtail flicked his furry white tail to the side. I nodded. "It's, it's Hawkfrost's and, and some, some other cats, not Thunderclan," Cloudtail looked concerned, and irritated. "I, I'm not sure what's happened, Hawkfrost's is dead..." My voice trailed off.
"I know, we need to speak with Firestar right away."
"Is everything alright? Are we attacking?" Foxleap flexed his claws and puffed up.
"No, keep ur claws sheathed. Go get Squirrelflight's patrol, tell them to come to camp, we aren't going to battle!" The red warrior dipped his head and padded away. We raced back to camp. Firestar was sunbathing on the Highledge. "Firestar! May we speak with you? It's urgent." I looked up at the old warrior. He turned his head and agreed. We stalked up to the leader's den. "What's so important, to interrupt my basking? I should be an elder!" The tom suddenly looked older than usual, now that he pointed it out. "Hawkfrost. He's back. We scented him near an elder bush by the Shadowclan border." I confirmed and my father's face changed into deep thought. "I knew this might happen," Firestar muttered. "Tigerstar is back, along with his ambitious son. The Dark Forest, the opposite of Starclan. He's probably leading them, but, I never knew they could reach the clans, nor make scents." Firestar whispered nervous but still full of his confidence he has. Sandstorm came in and sat next to her mate, wrapping her tail with Firestar's. "I heard." Sandstorm silenced Firestar from speaking. "What do you plan on doing? I'll patrol. I still have energy left in me, after all, I'm a warrior still. I wish to find that ambitious tom, he killed Redtail and Brindleface. I still grieve," In grief I noticed my parents were both aging along with Graystripe and Dustpelt. "I'll have a younger warrior patrol, they'll be fine. You don't need to prove to your clan your loyal. You've done that enough." Sandstorm grunted in defiance shifting her position. The ginger she cat and Cloudtail left the den. "Should I organize patrols?"
"Yes, but be careful, we don't want to many new warriors out alone, unaware of Tigerstar's treachery. Starclan wishes good hunting and patrolling." The ginger tom dipped his head, I stalked out of the den into the nice, cool breeze. Leaf-bare was coming, we should start preparing the dens, I'll talk to Brackenfur and Dustpelt about it. I stood against the breeze flowing through my fur. It felt nice, after a long green-leaf. I stalked down to the shaded area where Longtail had died and Briarlight had been crippled under the fallen oak, where a few warriors, Oakpaw, Sunpaw, Stormpaw, and Edgepaw sat quietly muttering and whispering. "Anyone up for a patrol to the mossy clearing? We scented a few things there," Rosepetal stood up and blinked. "I will, I haven't been on border patrol in moons, who should I take?" Rosepetal stretched her legs and shook her fur. "Stormpaw, Edgepaw, and," I glanced at the other warriors sitting eagerly to get on a patrol. "Spiderleg, would you join? Or are you on another patrol?" I asked the black long legged tom. "I'll join, you need some sort of senior warrior." Spiderleg snickered and Rosepetal sighed. The group marched out of camp. I sighed, looking at Edgepaw and Stormpaw. Their fur was touching. I shivered as a storm cloud appeared over head the sun. It shaded the Highledge. I felt a whizzing feeling, huh. It must be a sign, but I'm a deputy? How? Never mind that, it's not important. I paced down to the fresh kill pile where Dustpelt and Brackenfur were sharing tongues and piece of vole. "Greetings," Liontail dipped her head to the two senior warriors.
"Yes, it's a fine day. Want some? The prey won't be this good for a while." Dustpelt offered and flicked his tail at the vole. "No, thanks. I've eaten, you need your energy."
"Now, I'm not old! Not by much, I'm only a bit older than you!" Dustpelt retorted while shifting the vole and began to eat again. I sighed, "Could you and Brackenfur start patching the elders den. Purdy and Mousefur haven't stopped complaining since we had our last rainfall!"
"We'll get on it, could we have a few apprentices?" Brackenfur inquired.
"Yes, I'll get Sunpaw and Oakpaw." I headed to the bramble thicket den. I poked my head inside and yowled. "Sunpaw, Oakpaw! Come here!" My sons came out of the den and stood angling their ears towards me.
"Yes? Is there a battle? Can we fight?!" Oakpaw exclaimed.
"There's no battle," I said glancing at Sunpaw.
"Aww. But I wanna fight!" Oakpaw pleaded.
"Brackenfur and Dustpelt need your help fixing the elders den. There're in the mossy clearing, go now, they're grabbing sticks for the dens." Liontail flicked her tail and dismissed the apprentices. I stopped in my tracks. I sniffed the air, cats! It's, Onestar! I hissed, turning and going out of camp, passing a confused Blossomfall guarding the camp entrance. I passed her before she could say "mouse." I raced through the ferns and trees, finally getting sight of two cats. Windclan cats. I snarled slowly. I walked closer as they approached. "What are you doing in Thunderclan territory?" I snarled warningly. When a leader trespasses, it's never good news. "What do you want and why are you here?" I growled. "On Thunderclan territory? Alone?"
"More like what are your warriors doing on Windclan territory?!" Harespring hissed, claws unsheathed.
"Silence! This isn't why we're here. I need to discuss some territory problems with Firestar."
"Fine. Make it quick. I may only be one warrior, but I'll fight like Lionclan if I have to." I growled lightly giving a warning. "Well, you won't need to." Onestar said warning me not to say anymore. I growled. What right does he have to walk into Thunderclan territory and tell the deputy to lay off? Hmph. I padded in front of the two Windclan cats at a fine pace. They surprisingly could keep up, in the undergrowth and all, for Windclan cats. We entered the camp, Blossomfall had a growl escaping her throat. I gave her a "yes, I know I'm bringing Windclan's leader to our camp." Look. When I entered the camp Brambleclaw immediately perked his head up from sharing tongues with Squirrelflight, growling. "What are they doing here?" Brambleclaw had gotten up and circled around the Windclan leader and Harespring. I snarled at the tom, he always acted like the deputy. I'm the deputy, I know what I'm doing, ignorant furball. I flicked my tail to tell Onestar and Harespring to wait. A heartbeat later Firestar appeared from his den, Graystripe following. "Greetings, Onestar. What brings you into Thunderclan territory?" Firestar asked slyly. Onestar dipped his head kindly. I bet he wants something, but what? I had heard Firestar and Onestar had been close once, when Windclan had been driven from the old territories. I knew Oncestar had news, bad, or good. I couldn't quite read his expression. "I've come to talk, about a threat." Harespring was touching fur with the proud leader.
"Thunderclan is fine, my warriors haven't noticed a problem on your side of the border." Firestar's fur started to spike slowly, he soon calmed it. I relaxed my fur as well, noticing Squirrelflight doing the same. "I found them intruding our territory, just walking around like it was theirs." I half growled.
"Well, Onestar, do you need to explain?" Firestar challenged.
"I'm here to discuss a threat! For both of us! Our clans! Your clan!" Oncestar retorted.
"You may speak, come to my den. If you think this is so important, than you'll hurry it up." Firestar climbed up the pile of rocks into his den, with Oncestar following. Firestar seemed hostile, maybe something happened at a gathering between the two leaders. We arrived in the lichen covered den and sat around the rock cavern. "What is it you say is such a threat to Thunderclan?" Firestar questioned.
"I've smelt a few of your warriors, with mine. And even some Riverclan and Shadowclan. It's only certain cats,"
"No warrior of mine would dare go on another's territory," Firestar whispered confused.
"Well, they have. Are you going to help me figure this out, or are you going to look to Starclan to solve everything?" Oncestar whispered something else afterward I wasn't able to hear. Firestar hissed at this.
"I will do everything I can, you better not be fooling me, Onestar, because there will be consequences. Thunderclan is fine, but if your clan is in potential danger, we're here to help. We, unlike other clans, can admit we need each clan. I will help you, Onestar, old friend." Firestar sat straight. "Thank you, and it's not only my clan in danger. All the clans." "Then I'll help, with all my warriors and Starclan by my side." Firestar said.
"Then, we need to discuss battle tactics, and what's happening between our warriors." Oncestar and Firestar started to discuss tactics, and what's happening. We finally converged a plan. Eventually Onestar and Harespring left, and all the patrols were back. It was moonhigh, I needed rest. I clambered into the warriors den, careful not to wake Graystripe and Millie. I curled up next to Stormheart in my nest. I quickly fell asleep, Stormheart's fur touching mine. I drifted off into a dream; I was standing in the mossy hollow, wind flowing through my fur. Bluestar appeared before me. "Greetings, Bluestar!" The former Thunderclan leader looked sorrow. "I'm here to deliver a prophecy, a sad moment shall come with it. Lion will roar loudly, and spread her voice, amongst the clans. Keep watch, for the tiger that will scare the forest." The leader spoke gently.
"What does it mean?" the Starclan cat started to fade into the midst. "Wait! Please, don't go! What does it mean?!" The leader had dispersed, I woke up in the warriors den. What does it mean? I thought. I'll go consult this with Leafpool, surely she'll understand.

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