Chapter 24

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Oakpaw's P.O.V.

"Hurry!" Thornclaw growled. Oakpaw and Sunpaw speed up, Birchfall following with Mousewhisker.

Oakpaw could barely feel his paws anymore. With a strong blow of their own clan's scent, they busted past the border. "Thornclaw! Birchfall! Mousewhisker!" A soft voice called.

Oakpaw raced past them. "Violetpaw!" He yowled. A small figure appeared in the moonlight beside a larger lithe one.
"Is he alright?" Sunpaw gasped, running up to the warrior.

Volefur's breathing was shallow, and he smelled of blood. "I'm not a medicine cat." Violetpaw replied. Thornclaw and Mousewhisker shifted the poor tom onto their shoulders.

"You two, bring Violetpaw home. Birchfall, help us out here, so we can see a medicine cat." Mousewhisker grunted. Oakpaw, Sunpaw and Violetpaw traveled home to the camp. Silence caressed the night forest like a dark shadow over the sun. The moon was deflecting the gentle light of the sun and onto Silverpelt above. 

Liontail's P.O.V. 

Liontail walked to the front of her gathering clanmates. "Firestar? Can I have a word?" She murmured to her father. His pelt was aglow, the moon and stars blessing his fur. "Yes?" He nodded his head, jumping off the log bridge that had crushed Mudclaw, the past WindClan deputy, with a lightning strike many seasons ago. Liontail followed, Dustpelt, Poppyfrost and Blossomfall not to far behind her. 

"Is this about your kits?" Firestar asked bluntly, staring forward with an easy to match pace. She had been glad she had patched up things with Stormheart, seeing he wasn't upset. But, she didn't want to press on her father's nerves, especially with leaf bare on its way. 

She paused before replying. "Why haven't you made them warriors yet? I've seen their skills, and they have excelled in-" 

"My decisions are none of your concerns, Liontail." The golden she cat dipped her head reluctantly, padding back. Her former mentor, Graystripe, padded beside her with a comforting mew.
"He's just been a little sore since leaf fall's begun. He's only worried for them," Although the words were warming, she couldn't help but doubt her father's decisions. They should've been made warriors by now! It's been two moons since Treeclaw, Dawnstep, Crowflight, and Volefur  were made warriors, and they're only a moon older than my kits! Liontail held back a growl. 

She respected her father, very much. She was deputy mainly because of him, and he was her father. She turned around at padded back to see Stormheart walking with Lionblaze. "Have you seen-?" Stormheart turned his head to Liontail. "So," She flicked her ears. "How'd it go?" He asked her. She glared forwards. She was in absolutely no mood, what-so-ever. 

Stormheart flicked his tail and Lionblaze padded backwards to talk with Cinderheart. 

"Lionblaze asked me if he could go on the border patrol tomorrow." Stormheart broke the silence with his question. Liontail's gaze softened. She blinked at him before turning her head back forward while walking behind Dustpelt. 

"Sure." She sighed. "Does it matter which border?" She asked cautiously. 

"Uh, preferably WindClan border. Or, at least that's what he told me." Stormheart murmured. She dipped her head.
"I'll be right back." She meowed softly. She had caught Brambleclaw staring in Squirrelflight's direction. She padded forward to meet with the brown tabby. "What fleas are eating your pelt?" She asked. Brambleclaw snorted in her direction.
"None of your business." He muttered sharply, his gaze flickering to Squirrelfight.

"Come on, Brambleclaw. Any cat can see you like her. What happened this time?" She pondered. "We argued, okay? Now, would you leave me be?" He snarled, disappearing in the walking group of cats. She muttered something under her breath sharply. 

Instead of going after the furball, she padded over to her sister. "Are you alright?" Liontail asked softly. For a split second, green eyes met green eyes. Squirrelflight's eyes seemed to hold a strong emotion, one that Liontail had felt before. 
"How do you know?" She asked. "I can feel how your body is reacting, Squirrelflight. You're trembling." She responded.

"What happened?" Liontail prodded, resting her tail on her sister's flank. All thoughts of her kits not becoming apprentices had left her head. Now, her sister needed her.

Violetpaw's P.O.V. 

Violetpaw shook her fur. She could barely feel her paws. She felt like she had been walking forever. 
She recognized the place she knew now as home. She breathed in the nice scent, wishing she had her mother here with her.

I know, I should've updated a month sooner. This wasn't edited, so please no bickering at me. I just wanted an update.

I hope to update again soon!

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