Chapter 20

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A/N: By the way, I'm just so happy this book is at chapter twenty already. It's been a great time writing this, and I hope the few people left reading this are happy with the story. FYI this isn't the last chapter quite yet. Enjoy it while it lasts! BTW, have you checked out my new book, Character Ask? Well, you should! Sorry for the long authors note!

"What about Icecloud? She wasn't at the last gathering." Liontail shifted her paws underneath her fluffy tail. The flame colored leader looked up at her. "Yes, Foxleap and Rosepetal will have to go, along with Molepaw and Cherrypaw." Firestar mewed.

"Hmm, Bumblestripe went last time, so did Blossomfall," she mewed.

"I want Birchfall and Thornclaw to stay in camp. Edgepaw, Stormpaw will go with their mentors, Oakpaw, Sunpaw and Violetpaw will stay in camp as well." Firestar ordered. He flicked his tail to signal her leaving.

Firestar walked onto the Highledge proudly. Cats gathered around the leader and Liontail sat near the tall ledge.
"The warriors going to the Gathering are," Firestar began, "Sandstorm, Graystripe, Brackenfur, Dustpelt, Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, Spiderleg, Millie, Mousewhisker, Icecloud, Foxleap, Rosepetal, Toadstep, Ivypool, Dovewing, Lionblaze, Cinderheart, Poppyfrost, Hazeltail, Berrynose, and Blossomfall." Cats whose names were said started buzzing with approval.

"Edgepaw, Stormpaw, Cherrypaw and Molepaw will be going as well." Cherrypaw and Molepaw shared a glance of excitement.

Firestar turned to face Liontail. "I want you to take out all the apprentices for training, take Thornclaw with you." He murmured. She nodded and stepped out of the dispersing crowd. She found Thornclaw sitting near the entrance of the nursery sharing tongues with Blossomfall. Theirs going to be a few more kits in the clan soon, she thought. "Firestar wants you to come with me for an apprentice training session." Thornclaw grunted and stood up shaking his legs. Thornclaw murmured something to Blossomfall she couldn't hear.

"Meet me at the training hollow, I'll gather the apprentices." Thornclaw flicked his tail and left the camp without a word.

She padded over to the apprentices den where Cherrypaw and Molepaw were buzzing with excitement and Stormpaw and Violetpaw were chatting on about stuff.

"We're going to train for a bit with Thornclaw at the training hollow." She mewed looking at the apprentices. "Okay, can we go see ShadowClan camp too?" Cherrypaw mewed. "No! That's in ShadowClan territory! You mouse brain." Molepaw hissed. "Well, I was just wondering, furball." She mewed giving her chest a few embarrassed licks.

Oakpaw and Sunpaw stood behind her, Stormpaw and Edgepaw at the back with Violetpaw. Cherrypaw and Molepaw bounced at her sides. ''Settle down, your not going to have enough energy tomorrow for the Gathering." She mewed nonchalantly.
"But the gatherings tomorrow!" Molepaw protested.

"That's the point." Sunpaw muttered. Cherrypaw and Molepaw seemed to ignore the tom's annoyance. They reached the training hollow without silence. 'Are we going to go to battle? Are we training to be the leader of StarClan? Is this an oak tree? How far is the Training hollow? How old is the Sky Oak? Who was your mentor?' Were some of the questions asked.
"About time! I thought I'd die of old age!" Thornclaw mewed from the center of the mossy clearing.

She sighed and padded to sit next to the bracken tom.

The apprentices sat in a semi circle around the two warriors. "I wonder what Cherrypaw and Molepaw will specialize in." she overheard Sunpaw mew to Edgepaw.

"Cherrypaw and Molepaw, come here." Liontail flicked her fluffy tail.

The new apprentices looked up excitedly. "Get in the hunters' crouch." She ordered. Molepaw did as told, although he was flicking his tail back and forth. Cherrypaw did an excellent job, "Molepaw! Stop flicking your tail. You'll scare the prey from here to the old territory like that!" Thornclaw mewed waving his tail nonchalantly.
Oakpaw muttered something in Sunpaw's ear.
She turned around to face her sons.
"What was that, Oakpaw?" She let a bit of anger hint her tone.
"I, was ju-" The tabby was cut off.
"He was just telling me how to hunt better." Sunpaw mewed, looking up at her with bold eyes.
"Then, why don't you show us what you've learned?" Sunpaw shared a look with Oakpaw before he stepped forward.
Maybe, they'll learn not to lie from now on.
"First, you," Sunpaw got into the hunters crouch. He slid his claws out and stood for a heartbeat before moving again. She watched her son with interest, had he really thought he'd fooled her?

"That's enough. Get back to your spot, Cherrypaw show us again." Thornclaw gave a glare towards the apprentice. Sunpaw nodded and stared at his paws once he sat down again.
Cherrypaw leaped at her brother, and nipped his ear with her sheathed paw. Liontail noticed a glint from Molepaw's paw. Was he fighting, with claws unsheathed?

"Remember not to use your claws during a practice." She mewed, not trying to sound accusing.

Thornclaw heaved to his paws, giving his fore-paw a lick. "I think that's enough for today, some of you need rest for the Gathering tomorrow." Thornclaw mewed, shaking his pelt. Liontail scoffed, what was he thinking, ordering her around?

She followed and slowly took the lead back to camp. It was dark by the time they arrived back to camp. The harsh end of Green Leaf winds started to blow. She stalked over to the fresh-kill pile, where Graystripe, Sandstorm, Brackenfur, and Ferncloud lay chatting. She didn't realize Oakpaw had followed her. "How'd the training go?" Graystripe asked the apprentice. "Fine, Graystripe, until a bird brain named Thornclaw decided to make us leave." He mewed, glancing at Thornclaw who had already started whispering with Blossomfall and Mousewhisker.

"Oakpaw! Hasn't Mousewhisker taught you any respect?" She scolded her son. What thorn was stabbing his paw?!
Mousewhisker stood behind his apprentice, glaring down at him with blazing and amused eyes.

"Interesting, I guess you won't be having fun with Thornclaw collecting moss during the Gathering, tomorrow, huh?" Oakpaw swung around, staring at his mentor in fear and shame.
"I- I didn't mean," Oakpaw murmured, dipping his head.
Thornclaw padded over towards Liontail and sat beside her once Mousewhisker had left with Oakpaw towards the elders den.

"That'll teach him." Thornclaw mewed, gazing at her with warm green eyes.
"Want to share?" She prodded the vole she had grabbed from the pile. It couldn't hurt, after all, Stormheart was on a night patrol on the WindClan border, she had no one else to share with. The senior warriors had already left to loom in the dens, while only a few cats lay outstretched their dens.

Thornclaw nodded, and they quickly devoured the prey.

As they licked their whiskers, Lionblaze's patrol with Stormheart, Bumblestripe, Berrynose, and Blossomfall arrived throuh the thorn barrier. Stormheart stalked into the warriors den wih Blossomfall, whispering while walking past her and Thornclaw.
A pang of jealousy twinged her heart.
What was wrong? All he did was whisper.. and ignore me..
Thornclaw sighed and stood, "You better get some rest, ypur goig to the Gathering tomorrow." She nodded and together they padded into the warriors den.

Hehehe.... Its almost 12 o' clock, rght now. Beware, not edited! To see my new updating schedule, it's on my about i my profile.
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