Chap. 16 Thanks for the views!! 600!!!!!!

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Squirrelflight nudged Leafpool. "Hey!" Leafpool yowled, nudging her back. I joined in, pawing at Squirrelflights underbelly and swiping her over landing on her squarely, pinning her. She "play" attacked me, claws sheathed, and swiped at my ears, I batted back and kept her pinned. "This isn't fair! You've always been the better fighter! I'm the hunter, she's the medicine cat. Your the fighter, and almost leader!" She yowled envious but I think almost congratulating me. "Why thank you, Squirrelchaser!" I batted at her and she reacted quickly, swiping me and pinning me to the ground. Leafpool, not having much defense for training, joined and cheered for Squirrelflight. "Come on, you can beat her!" She was watching so intent on Squirrelflight, that I think she forgot I was now on my feet. I leaped at her and pinned her easily. "Medicine cats don't fight!" She screeched.
"They do now!" I whispered loudly into her ear. Me and her tussled for a bit, then we heard a sudden thud.
"What was that?" Leafpool wondered out loud.
"I, don't know, Squirrelflight, use your nose." I ordered my sister, she was already doing so.
"I think, it's, a fox, no, I, I don't recognize it.. It's cat, positive, it's a musky scent. Stale too." Me and Leafpool both scented the air. "I smell it too." I said confused at what my nose had just smelt.
"Me too, it's, not familiar, at all." Leafpool.
"It's definitely a cat's. Leafpool, Go get Cloudtail, Foxleap, and any apprentice of your choice with their mentor, hurry, come back with Jayfeather. I think it's the great battle, the one we were afraid of. Go!" I ordered my terrified sister. "Squirrelflight, I'm going to need you to lead the other patrol. We need 3 patrols. I'll lead the first one, you lead the second one, and Brambleclaw the third." I explained the battle strategy to her.
"Are you sure, it's time? I mean, it could be Starclan. We don't know for sure."
"It's not, I've smelt this before after Lionblaze woke up in the nursery, it's definitely a dark forest cat. How didn't you recognize it?" I inquired.
"I did, I didn't want to alarm Leafpool. She's just found out Crowfeather, had more kits with Nightcloud, and he, he named one Leafkit, and now, he is injured, he can barley move."
"How?" I asked.
"I don't know. Leafpool told me, Kestralflight told her, he knew she cared for him. That's all I know." Squirrelflight looked at her paws. "Why, why, didn't you tell me, why didn't she tell me? Im her sister too you know."
"She didn't want to tell you, because, it was at the gathering, that you and Stormheart were talking, we didn't want to interrupt." She blinked at me.
"I suppose I understand." In a flash the patrol I ordered, Cloudtail, Sunpaw, Brackenfur, Foxleap, including Jayfeather.

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