Chapter 1

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"But mother! I'm hungry!" Lionkit yowled hungrily. "You ate at dawn, besides, you need to open your eyes. You too, Squirrelkit." Her mother, Sandstorm replied. "Leafkit wake up!" The sisters yelled to their other sibling."It's time to explore the camp!"

"Brambleclaw and Stormpaw promised!" She yelled. "Ok, ok." Leafkit groaned sleepily, although excited. Soon Sandstorm was done grooming her youngest daughter, Leafkit. "Over here is the warriors den were I sleep." Brambleclaw responded proudly while he puffed out his chest, and Stormpaw licked his chest seemingly embarrassed. "And over here is the medicine cat's den." Brambleclaw said in a normal tone. "It's where the medicine cats sleeps."

"Cool!" The kits howled, Leafkit being the loudest. "I can't wait to meet Cinderpelt!" Leafkit exclaimed. "Over here is the leaders den, Firestar's den." Brambleclaw pointed with his tail.

"I hope I sleep in there one day." Lionkit announced.

"Maybe one day you will, if you act like one." Stormpaw purred. "Can we see the apprentice's den now?" Squirrelkit meowed. "Yeah!" Lionkit yelled. "I'm going to see if Cinderpelt is in her den." Leafkit said as she walked towards the medicine cats den. "Where do you sleep?" Lionkit asked Stormpaw.

"Over there." He responded as he pointed to a flat ball of moss. Soon it was sundown and all the kits were tired. "That was fun." Squirrelkit purred. "Shh. You'll wake Brightheart." Sandstorm whispered to her kits.

5 moons later.

" I, Firestar, leader of Thunderclan, wish to make new trained warriors, to make mentors and to make apprentices, for Thunderclan." Firestar purred in pride of his kits while his mate, Sandstorm, purred like a great cat of LionClan. "Leafkit, you wish to be a medicine cat, I will give you your clan name, Leafkit, you will be known as Leafpaw until you reach your full medicine cat apprentice rank. Cinderpelt is your mentor. Leafpaw and Cinderpelt will travel to the Moonpool tonight." He announced. "Squirrelkit, you wish to become a warrior, you will be known as Squirrelpaw until you have completed in your training. Your mentor will be Dustpelt. Dustpelt, I trust you to mentor her well, you have the elders experience." Firestar nodded towards his daughter's mentor. "Lionkit, I see the heart of a warrior in you, a great one, your name will be Lionpaw. Your mentor will be Graystripe. Graystripe, you are a loyal and trustworthy cat, I trust you to mentor her well." Firestar finished. "Come on! I have an open ball of moss next to mine!" Stormpaw yowled already heading towards her new den.


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