Chap. 4

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"I, Firestar, leader of Thunderclan look to see the success of these 4 young cats until they are warriors. Birchkit you will be known as Birchpaw and your mentor will be Squirrelflight, I expect you to pass on all your knowledge to your apprentice." Mentor and apprentice touched noses. " Whitekit you will be known as Whitepaw, your mentor will be Stormheart, I expect you to make a great warrior." Once again mentor and apprentice touched noses. "Foxkit you will be known as Foxpaw, your mentor will be Liontail." Once again mentor and apprentice touch noses. "Icekit, you will be known as Icepaw, your mentor will be Cloudtail, I expect him to be a good but strick mentor, Good luck to all apprentices and mentors.

" Everyone: Birchpaw! Whitepaw! Foxpaw! Icepaw! "

"Greystripe, organize patrols, with all the mentors and apprentices busy." Firestar ordered.
"Yes, will do." Greystripe said as he flicked his tail in acknowledgement. " Thornclaw, lead a hunting patrol at the beach tree with Cloudtail, Icepaw, and Mousefur. Stormheart lead sunhigh patrol with Whitepaw, Liontail, and Foxpaw. Stormheart, could you have your patrol hunt up by the shadowclan border, if the can apprentices keep up."
"Will do." Stormheart promised as he flicked his tail at his patrol in warning. "Let's head out, Whitepaw, Foxpaw, go ahead to that tree, that's the Sky oak, the tallest tree in the Thunderclan forest."
" Be careful, no climbing the Sky oak, that's for experienced apprentices and warriors only. " Liontail mentored.
You'll learn soon don't worry." Stormheart cooed.
" Okay, we won't!" Whitepaw yelled over the Twitter of birds and mice.
" So, I know your new at the whole apprentice thing, how are you so good?" Stormheart qeustioned her with interest.
" I guess I was taught well." Liontail said with memory.
"Like this?" Foxpaw asked with hope.
"Perfect! Liontail, he's been your apprentice since dawn! Wow, your a great mentor!" Stormheart admired his mate with pride.
"No, he just knows his stuff, really, he's the great one." Liontail licked her apprentice's fur were he had mud from his crouch he had fallen when trying to do a side swipe on Whitepaw.
"Stop moving your tail Whitepaw, you'll let every thing alive from here to Riverclan know where here." Stormheart directed. Soon the apprentices were stalking prey, both apprentices had caught a fat mouse each. " Good job, The warrior code says Elders and queens eat first before Apprentices and warriors." Stormheart informed them.
" Okay." The apprentices said hungrily, but happy at their catch.
"Bring that to the elders, they must be hungry after their swim exercise with Leafpool at the lake." The patrol was soon in the camp. Stormheart went to his father, and deputy, Greystripe to report the patrols hunting progress along with bragging about the apprentices catch. Soon she was dosing off with a full stomach, new leaf hadn't been as kind as the clans had hoped, most cats had been full from green leafs blessings. She drifted off with another nights peaceful sleep.

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