Chapter 42|Nostalgia

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It's almost over :'(

Bianca's POV

Two weeks later.

Time flies by really slow when you're alone.

"What time?" I ask into the phone as I crush my cigarette beneath the heel of my dirty sneakers.

"Midnight sharp," he replies curtly and ends the call before I get a chance to complain.

I take in a short breath and hide my new phone in my back pocket. I looked around my tiny apartment with tired eyes, it wasn't the best looking and it definitely made my paranoia worse but it was all I had and it was all I was going to get. My eyes later landed on a dirty mirror hung on the wall near the window. My reflection stared back at me and I felt disgusted at the sight of what I'd become but I couldn't care less. My greasy hair, sickly pale skin and dark bags barely showed the struggle I've been through.

It's been two weeks since I left the gang house, I know they're looking for me and it's no secret. And if that's not bad enough I'm now a fugitive. Somehow the police where able to figure out about my crimes and now I'm wanted.

How fucking fantastic.

Leaving this apartment gives me a lot of anxiety, I can't even communicate with people properly because I'm too worried I'll get caught.

I can't eat, sleep or even breath without feeling like someone's watching me, its frustrating and it's driving me crazy. The only thing I feel is fear and anger.

I feel so much anger, I don't know if I remember who I am anymore.

My fingers brushed through my hair, it has grown past my shoulders and rests just below my collar bones.

The sight irritated me, my hair was my second biggest giveaway - after my face ofcourse. I hate it so much.

I swayed from side to side, watching my strands dance with my movements while my fingers played with the tips.

My eyes never leave my reflection as a thought comes to mind; I need to change change my identity - and quick.

Everyone's looking for me, most want me dead, some want me safe and others want me arrested.

I don't want anyone.

I don't want to die, not anymore. I feel too powerful to die now. I have a lot of blood on my hands, but I don't think I care anymore.

I still get nightmares, but I'm friends with my demons now. I don't need to protect myself from what makes me who I am - or who I've become - it sounds ridiculous but it's true. Everything feels different when you realize you're the devil you've been running from all your life.

I can't wait to get away.

And as for Asher Dane, I'm not done with him. I would love to get my hands around his neck but I'm not thirsty for revenge.

I've got too much planed to get distracted. This doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a terrible fate after what he did to me.

If given the chance I would do anything to slice his throat, I can't believe I used to love that guy. What an asshole.

A week after leaving the gang house I ran into Hazel and her father. My homeless ass was sleeping on a bench and they were right in front of me when I woke up.

They told me everything.

About Tobi, who's a police officer and has been investigating us while feeding his father information about the police. That two sided motherfucker.

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