Chapter 13| Empty

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Face claim? Thoughts?

Bianca's P.O.V

"Care to explain yourself?" He asks sharply and I flinched at the tone in his voice.

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out, Asher waited impatiently for a reply but I had nothing.

Should I tell him why I was really here or not? Maybe I should, he needs to know just in case.

"Bianca, what are you doing out of the mansion?" He asks me with a sigh leaving his mouth. I bite my lip in thought and end up glaring at him. He gives me a questioning look.

"What? No 'hey how are you doing?' Or even a 'how's life been?' Asher it's been five years!" I snap at him.

He narrows his eyes at me, "don't waste my fucking time Bianca, I have a meeting to get to," he says, his voice cold as ice.

I clench my teeth at his attitude and notice his eyes look down at my hands, I follow his gaze only to find out my palms were still clenched in fists. I slowly release my fingers revealing... blood?

My fingernails had dug deeply into my palms leaving bloody cuts. I flinched at the sight but the pain was somehow numb to me.

My mind went back to the meeting with my sister, instead of tears blurring my eyes a fresh wave of anger crashed into me and I closed my eyes tight.

"Why did you do that to yourself?" Asher's voice asks quietly. I swallow and flutter my eyes open, I turn to Asher and notice him gazing at me curiously.

"I - I didn't realize..." I reply, looking back at the wound in shock.

I hear him let out an annoyed breath before reaching for something in his pocket. I notice his suit blazer shift slightly, revealing a gun tucked into his belt. I stiffened.

He brings out his phone and rings someone. "Sharon, postpone the meeting. I have some business to take care of," Asher says into the phone, his eyes falling on me for a few seconds.

He cuts the call. "Who is that?" I ask as an attempt to lessen the tension in the limo.

"My secretary," he replies firmly. I notice his eyes travel through me as he took in my appearance. I have changed alot from five years ago, my skin is a lot more tan than it used to be and I'm not as skinny. My brown hair which is now in a pixie cut looks more of black and my features have matured.

I used this opportunity to observe him too. Asher aged beautifully. His features were even more defined and he has clearly become more muscular. I noticed a tattoo peak through the collar of his suit. He looked even more attractive than he did when younger and that's saying something.

"John," Asher calls, gaining the driver's attention. His eyes were still fixed on me as he spoke, "take us home."


He held a hand up, stopping me from speaking. "We are going back to the mansion and getting you cleaned up," he said referring to my bleeding palms and puffy eyes. "Then, you are going to explain why you left the mansion. Something tells me it's serious."

I don't reply and stare out the window for the rest of the ride.


"You what?!" Caleb and Blake exclaimed from infront of me.

We were currently in Asher's home office with Asher sitting behind his desk and Jasmine and I sitting opposite him. Caleb and Blake stood beside him.

"I met with my sister," I repeat timidly.

"I thought she was dead," I hear Caleb say as he released a breath.

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