Chapter 36|Bittersweet

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It's been a while...

Bianca's POV

I grudgingly rolled out of bed till my feet met the carpeted floor. The atmosphere was surprisingly cold and I rubbed my exposed arms, feeling my goosebumps rise.

I looked around the dark room till my eyes stopped on the open window.

I thought I closed that.

I walked towards the window quickly and closed it shut. Right now we're in the end of November, the temperature has fallen pretty low and winter is here.

Seconds after closing the window, I turn on the lights and make my way into the bathroom to prepare for the day.

Today is the burial.

I have been in my room alot, but I can still notice how silent the house is. It doesn't feel like a day of smiles at all and there certainly will be a lot of tears.

I want to be optimistic and say we should be happy because he's going to a better place but is anyone actually ever happy when a loved one passes away. They chose to accept it because there's nothing they can do, for now acceptance is a very long journey, but I know it's not impossible.

After having my bath, applying my make up and styling my hair, I put on my black, sleeveless, turtle neck sundress. It's the only black dress I have. I also put on knee high boots to match.

For a few seconds I stood in front of the full length mirror, just gazing at my reflection as my mind wandered. It took a lot of will not to cry, I had to swallow my tears and take in a deep breath multiple times, preparing myself mentally for the day.

I slowly put on my gloves, wiggling my nine fingers slightly and feeling the expensive leather on my skin. My wound hasn't healed, my finger is still gone and it still kind of hurts but only when I apply pressure on it.

I look down at my jewelry which was only a small gold chain with tiny star pendants on it. I gingerly put on the neckless just as someone knocks on my door.

Though my main focus today was supposed to be on Caleb, I can't help but think about last night. How can I not?

The thought never fails to bring a small smile to my face. A disgusting and sickening smile that makes me feel bittersweet.

I don't feel sorry for what I did one bit, I'm buoyant about it even. Zoe deserved that fate, and so do Hades, Melody, Antonio and Rhea.

Yes, I want to kill my own blood sister. Call me a murderer, I don't mind. That's what I used to call myself until last night anyway.

Last night I felt what it was like to kill for vengeance, not with a gun, or a knife but with you bare hands. I watched the life drain from Zoe's eyes and it made me feel something I haven't felt in a while; content.

Everyone else can go ahead and think I'm crazy but I know what I did, I know the consequences. Hades will not be happy.

I say let him roar with rage, having a solid aliby taken away from him just like that. He better watch out because that's how they'll all go. I'll take them away like they took Caleb.

Fuck being a saint, I want revenge. I'm tired of being so forgiving, I'm tired of being so ignorant and passive.

I'm so predictable and I hate it. Father would be so disappointed in me.

Michael did say I have mafia blood or whatever that means, I guess I'll start to live up to it since no one takes me seriously.

I'm not a joke or a toy you can play with for your own amusement, I don't want to be seen as an oblivious idiot that is easy.

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