Chapter 24|Relax

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I'm sorry for the late update. Here's an extra long chapter to make up for it.

Bianca's P.O.V

5:30 pm

I let out a long, dramatic breath as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My fingers travelled through the soft fabric of my sweats as my eyes went to the digital clock on my table.

5:31 pm

"I can't believe you don't even have a dress picked out yet. You haven't even had a shower! Bianca, you have thirty minutes to get ready are you nuts?! I just can't with you. Ugh!" Jasmine rants as she rushes around my room with multiple clothes in her hands.

I watch her with a laugh threatening to leave my lips. "Calm down, Jasmine," I tell her.

She sends me a sharp glare, "shut the fuck up," she snaps. My eyes widen slightly. "Now take your cute little, white ass into that bathroom," she snaps and keeps on looking through my clothes.

My mouth opens and closes in shock but I make the wise decision of listening to whatever she says, so go to have a bath.

You see, I've been busy all week planing my date with Asher. I don't know why but I really want to make it special for us. I've noticed Asher's been so anxious and upset, I just want him to have fun for once.

Once I step out of the shower Jasmine grabs me by the arm and pulls me to a chair infront of the mirror.

"Okay, so I'm not really good with your hair type and I want your hair to look AMAIZING. Especially when you have limited hairstyles with your short hair," Jasmine says.

"You know we're swimming ri-"

"So I asked for help," she interrupts. Right on time someone knocks on the door. Clara and Hazel walk in with smiles on their faces.

"I'm here to help," Hazel says with a grin.

"Me too," Clara inputs.

A smile forms on my lips, not just because of their support, but because Clara came. It's been forever since I've seen her.

I wonder if Jasmine only called her over to get some information from her since she's a huge suspect for the mole.

I looked back at the clock and noticed I had 15minutes left and let out a defeated sigh.

"Don't worry, you just relax. We'll handle everything," Hazel assures.

I giver her a nod and manage to relax in my seat.


They did good, really good.

My hair looks great and so does my makeup. Jasmine picked out a short, flair, but cute mint green dress and some black flats. I don't really have much jewelry on and minimal makeup.

I think look really good and I have these three amaizing girls to thank.

We finished ten minutes late, and Asher being the person he is came just in time so he had to wait ten minutes extra.

I walked down the massive hallway of the mansion. I'm not even a fan of large houses. I prefer having something small and cute, I just don't see the point of huge houses - apart from parties of course but then what?

Once I make it to the stairs I notice Leo coming up.

His eyes travel through me and he whistles lowly. I let out a laugh right before I playfully smack his shoulder.

"You look amazing bi," he says with all sincerity.

I can't help a grin from forming on my lips, "I know," I laugh. "Where is Asher?" I ask. I don't know if it's just me but I know his expression faltered by my question.

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