Chapter 22|Fingers

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Bianca's P.O.V

My mouth fell open as Asher's words registered into my head.

"What did you just say?" I ask him with my voice rising slightly, even though I heard him perfectly well.

I noticed him swallow, "I'm... sorry?" He says unsurely.

I closed my eyes for a brief second to collect my thoughts, but now that I have it all makes sense.

Asher never said anything about a girlfriend before, and then he suddenly appears with one after our fight. It should have been suspicious to me. That Charlotte girl was practically screaming about their relationship especially when I'm in the room, probably just to get under my fucking skin.

I should have known. Darn it, why didn't I realize?

You were too busy being jealous. My subconscious tells me.

A frown forms on my lips at the thought. I guess I was pretty jealous, and I don't need time to realize why. It's like his whole stunt made me realize how I really feel.

I guess my feelings for him never died, but does he feel the same? I still haven't heard him confirm that.

I let out a short breath and fold my arms with my eyes still closed.

I can't believe I'm still in love with him.

"Bianca?" Asher calls softly and felt my heart tug slightly. I love it when he talks to me like that. I just adore his sensitive side.

I open my eyes only to find him closer to me, "yeah?"

"I... I'm sorry," he sighs, "I just got so tired of you and that Leo guy, I just... I wanted you to feel what I felt. It was a stupid decision," he explains honestly.

My lips tug slightly at the reality of his words, "you get jealous too?"

"You were jealous?" Asher asks with a smirk and I feel my face heat up.

Why did I just admit that?

"Uhh... No?" I say with a grimance.

He laughs loudly, "relax. I already knew. I can read you like a book," he says lightly and I frown.

"Seriously?" I ask him and he nods with a smile on his face. "Well that sucks, I thought I was looking pretty unbothered," I admit honestly and separate my crossed arms.

"I know you Bianca, I know when you're bothered," Asher tells me with so much emotion in his beautiful eyes I couldn't help but look down. "I still love you too, you know. I never stopped," Asher says after a few seconds of silence.

His words make me raise my head up in surprise. "A-"

"And," he interrupts. "If you tell me shit like 'i don't know what to say' I'm going to walk the fuck away," he finishes with a serious expression on his face.

His words make me smile slightly, I open my mouth to speak but he gives me a look. I still speak anyway, "alright then. I'm speechless," I reply with snort.

Asher scowls at me and turns away while I try to hold a laugh with loud snickers.

I pull him back before he can go too far but I'm already laughing. "I'm sorry," I tell him.

He rolls his eyes but smiles anyways, "I hate it when you say that," he tells me.

"Really?" I ask him.

"I can't tell you deep shit and get 'i'm speechless' in response," he says, mimicking me.

"I do not sound like that," I yell at him playfully.

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