Chapter 32|Pain

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This chapter tho...

Song: Who are you really?- Mikky Ekko


Hazel's P.O.V

I sat by the unlit fireplace in silence, it was like 80 degrees outside so there was no use.

There was a calming silence that lingered in the atmosphere but it didn't stop the guilt from eating me alive.

I'm not okay.

I want to leave this place and go home. I'm so fucking tired of this.

I don't want to be involved with this gang or anything about it. I could stain my reputation or even my father's name. Lets not even get on how far behind I am in school...

I'm sick and tired of this stupid house with all these annoying people that just wouldn't let me leave.

I can't wait till the deal is over.

I looked towards the exit with a sad expression on my face as my mind travelled to Leo.

I miss him, alot. It's been almost weeks since we broke up and I've hated every second of it. Leo hasn't spoken to me once, he's been ignoring me like a plague and it hurts, he knows it hurts. It's his kind of twisted and petty revenge.

I just know it.

I let out another heavy sigh with closed eyes just as I heard footsteps approach me. I quickly open my eyes and find Leo standing in front of me with a blank expression on his face.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, looking down at my small frame.

Leo is a tall guy, he's always towered over me and even when we were still dating he would always jokingly complain about back aches when kissing me because I'm so 'short'. I'm actually 5'4 while he's about 6'2 I think.

The memory made a small smile appear on my lips.

"Why are you smiling?" Leo asks with a sharp tone.

His words made me raise an eyebrow, "oh I'm sorry, am I not aloud to smile infront of the 'oh great and powerful douchebag'?"

He crosses his arms and narrows his eyes at me. We keep the eye contact for a few seconds before he sits in front of me on the ground.

"I hate your smile," he says, I notice a small glint in his eyes that usually shows when he lies and I couldn't help but grin. "I literally just told you I hate your smile," he says annoyed.

"I smile if I want to," I tell him with an equally stubborn expression on my face.

He looks away and at the ground for a brief second before letting out a sigh. "Don't think I came here because I want to speak to you. I just have something I think I need to get off my chest."

His words catch my attention and I sit up, "what is it?"

"It's about your Father."

"What about my dad?" I ask.

"He's not as... innocent as you think he is," he starts. "You father is involved in very sketchy trades."

My eyebrows squeeze in confusion, "sketchy trades?" I ask as different thoughts come into my mind. "What kind of trades?"

"Hazel, your dad is a drug dealer. A drug lord. That's how he gets most of his money," Leo says with his face void of emotion.

My eyes widen in shock. My dad? A drug dealer? No way! He can't be...

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