Chapter 25|Daddy

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Thank you so much for reading my cringey ass book😭4k reads?!! Oh mAh gawd💛💛💛

Bianca's P.O.V

"What the fuck Leo! That's my peice!" Caleb yells.

"Oh, my bad bro-"

"Who's turn is it?" Jasmine interrupts just as Hazel walks in.

"The cupcakes are ready-"

"Could you guys shut up I'm trying to think!" Michael exclaims.

"Don't tell us to shut up asshole-" Leo snaps.

"Cake!" Emilia grins.

"Ughh I'm loosing the game-" Blake groans.

"Don't tell me what to do Leo-" Michael says.

"I just asked who's turn it is, I need an answer."

"Leo's turn," Blake says.

"Leo, I just told you that was my fucking piece!"

"They look alike-"

"OH MY GAWD SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!" Shawn suddenly exclaims, silencing the room and gaining everyone's attention.

It stays silent for a few seconds before Leo speaks, "you don't get to tell me to shut up either!"

Michael speaks, "quit being such a prick."

"Oh I'm the prick? Mr Grinch," Leo snaps.

"Hey! Michael is not a Grinch!" Jasmine inputs.

Blake and Emilia laugh, "yeah right," they both say and immediately after, everyone continues their loud bickering.

I let out an annoyed sigh and lean my head on Asher's chest.

"They're giving me a fucking headache," I hear Asher mutter grumpily from beside me on the sofa.

"Me too," I reply quietly. "Let's go get some of Hazel's cupcakes."

Asher agrees and we both leave the immature adults to their stupid arguments. Asher rings an arm around my waist and kisses my forehead sweetly.

"Why do you smell like chocolate?" He asks and I shrug.

Probably because I've been practically inhaling snicker bars all day.

So far Asher and I have been dating for two days. Nothing much has changed between us, we're both just a bit more confident when it comes intimacy, and also his 'cuteness meter' has gone high.

It's monday now and we're all in the gang mansion having a game night I think.

It's kind of a disaster.

Everyone is just seeming to find reasons to yell at each other, but as hilarious as it is, it's very loud.

Tommorow we are going into the night club for the tasks planned and to be honest, I feel incredibly nervous. This will be my first time officially out in the open after so long, who knows what could happen.

Though, I have a feeling it will turn out okay, as long as no one recognizes us.

Asher and I make it into the kitchen and find Hazel icing the last cupcake. Hazel has always had a passion for cooking and baking. She always tells me about how she'd join the chef in the kitchen back at her house and learn recipes from him.

"Can we have some?" I ask, but Asher is already swallowing down a cupcake.

He turns to me with a surprised expression on his face after hearing my words, "we're supposed to ask," he manages to let out with a mouthful of cake.

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