Chapter 02|Safe

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I hope you still remember what this book is about😅

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Bianca/Victoria P.O.V


A few minutes after I had started my English essay I felt a shadow looming above me.

"Good morning Miss, are you by any chance, Victoria Grayson?"

I looked up from the books on the wooden table, fixing my attention to the unfamiliar man standing in front of me.

My eyebrows creased in confusion.

"Yes I am, can I help you?"

He smirked.


He smirked.

I noticed him move his hand a bit and watched him bring out something shiny from his pocket.

He held a pocket knife in front of me with a sadistic smile on his face.

Panick settles within me as he starts walking closer. I don't have anything to use and defend myself.

I felt my heart pound in my chest and I cleared my throat feeling it clog up and leaned back in my seat as far away as I could from the weapon.

"W-what are-"

"You're coming with me," he said, his voice curt. "And don't even think about screaming for help, this isn't  my only weapon. So if you want to save the life of you and everyone in this place, I suggest you be a good girl and shut the fuck up."

It wasn't like I was going to make much of a sound anyways. I mean, he's got a knife and I've got a life to live.

I kept my mouth closed but was as alert as I could be, keeping my eyes on the sharp object.

I noticed a black ink mark on his neck, the rest of the pattern hidden behind the collar of his shirt and blazer. The pattern did seem like something that represented a Mafia.

"Are you in a-"

"A gang? Something like that," he cuts me off as he stands in front of me. He looked in his early forties, but was bulky and a bald head. "Get up."

I slowly got on my feet, my eyes never leaving him. I noticed the confidence and satisfaction oozing out of him from his small actions and it kind of made me feel like a weakling. But I can't really help it, I don't remember the last time I've been in this position.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I ask him.

He laughed for some reason I don't know, and walked behind me, I physically stiffened because of that. "You'll find out soon," he replied from behind me.

In a few seconds I could feel his hot breath on my neck and the sharp blade pressed slightly to my lower back, secured and ready to cut skin if I misbehave.

"Now, this is how it's going to be," he started in a deep low whisper that sounded so cold a shiver ran down my spine. "We are leaving this place and into the black Jeep parked up front. And if you think of doing anything stupid, I think I've given you more than idea of what will happen."

I gulped quietly and felt him nudge me forward, signaling for me to move.

I don't even know what's happening.

All I wanted was to ask him why he's taking me, it can't just be a random kidnap, because you can't come into a freaking library to kidnap someone out of the blue, knowing their name. How did he even know I was here?

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