Chapter 11|Plan

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"My name is Rhea Rodriguez and you are in great danger."


Bianca/Victoria P.O.V

After the car ride from the airport we stayed at a hotel for one night before Blake took us out and back on the road again.

"I thought we are supposed to stay in an apartment," I ask Blake who stood beside me as I stared at the tall double doors of the mansion before me.

Blake rings the doorbell before he turns back to Jasmine and I. "No, you'll be staying here," he replies.

"Who lives here?" Jasmine asks as she gazes around her in awe.

I don't blame her, this place is amazing. It was quite a large modern mansion with a big automatic gate and a beautiful large pool in front. A few cars were parked near the fountain, but they were all expensive sport cars. I even noticed a private beach.

"The boss," Blake replies.

Jasmine's eyes widen slightly, "why would he want us in his house?"

"You'll find out soon," Blake says simply just as the doors open.

An aged man stood behind them, he wore a suit and a pair of small glasses. The man had a snarky look on his face as his eyes fell on us but they soften when he sees Blake.

"Blake, Ladies. How may I help you?" He asks.

"Is he here?" Blake asks the man. I notice Jasmine trying to peep behind the grumpy looking man and into the rather extravagant house.

"No, I'm afraid not," he replies, "he went to a business trip for a major and upcoming company project."


"Oh, mind letting us in?" Blake asks and the man steps aside for us. I stroll my bag after me as I slowly walked into the house.

I held my breath to prevent myself from gasping as I looked around. It was designed modernly, most things were white and black, also with a little blue and gold chandeliers with large expensive looking decorations here and there. It was very well done.

"I suppose these are the ladies Mr Dane said I should be expecting?" The man asks.

Mr Dane, that should be Asher. Why did he make us stay in his house? When did he start working in a company? I thought he was mainly gang. But most importantly, he's coming, which means I'm going to see him soon.

My stomach churned nervously at the thought of seeing him again, especially with the last memory I have of him.

I do forgive him, I was never angry because it wasn't his fault, but things will be akward, we didn't exactly end well the last time I saw him. I just hope he has put it all behind him.

Though I can't help but wonder what he's like now. Five years can really change a person, it definitely did to me. I remember what I went through an how terribly it affected me mentally. I wouldn't say I'm completely over my past but since I don't need therapy anymore I'd say I'm doing much better.

"Yes, they are," Blake replies, gaining our attention. "Ladies, this is Bertie, the butler."

I turn to Bertie and give him a polite smile, "nice to meet you Bertie, I'm Bianca," I greet and he nods in accommodation. For someone as stern looking as him he has a very cute name. Jasmine introduces herself also.

"I'll take these to your rooms," Bertie says as he takes away our bags.

"So, make yourselves at home, there's a chef in the kitchen if you get hungry-" Blake starts but I cut him off.

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