Chapter 31|Frustration

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Should I put in a song for every chapter from now on?

Asher's POV

We're so close, yet so far.

It's been three days now. Three days of searching but we finally know where she could be. Saying I'm anxious is an understatement, I'm loosing my fucking mind.

I can't loose her, not to him, not to death, not to anyone.

Rhea did help us with the location they have her hidden, but she didn't give enough details. Without enough details it will take longer than planned to find Bianca but that was all Rhea knew.

I thought about interrogating her some more but she's in the hospital so I'd have to be gentler, and the Lord knows that's the last thing I want to be around that bitch.

I don't want to admit I'm happy about her burnt toes - nope, actually I want to admit it. I don't care if I'm being cruel but she fucking deserved it.

My phone ringed on my desk, it was Jasmine.

I have apologized about what I did and she was very understanding about it. I don't know what came over me at that moment but I just couldn't contain my anger.

"What's up?" I ask with an exhausted sigh. What is it now.

"A-asher..." She trailed of with a stammer. The horrified tone in her voice made me sit up in my seat.

"What's wrong?" I ask anxiously. At this moment my mind was making up hundreds of reasons she sounded this way and each one terrified me.

"He did it again," she said and I knew exactly what she meant.

"What body part did he send?" I ask with a swallow.

"An eye ball. It's so disgusting Asher, it still had dried blood in it and everything," she replied and I cringe. Jasmine was never this bothered when Hades would send body parts like the disgusting prick he is. Jasmine is bothered because he has Bianca while he's sending these body parts.

I breathe out sharply through my nose and try to control the heavy feeling in my chest. It was hard to breathe and I tried my best to control it.

"I'll be there in a ten," I tell her as I ended the call.

Right before I stood Michael let himself in my office with Tobi following by.

Michael held a small box in his hands, he looked furious and so did Tobi.

"What is it now?" I ask.

Michael doesn't speak and places the box on the my desk before pushing it towards me. "You might want to see this," he says.

I raise my eyebrow at him questionably and look down at the small white box. When I opened the box my eyes nearly buldged out of my head.

I closed my eyes for a brief second and opened them again. What I saw sent a chill down my spine and an uneasy feeling settled in me.

In the white box was a finger; the pinky finger. It looked to have been chopped off cleanly with a sharp object.

My jaw was clenched tightly as I stared at it and I then pushed the box away, not being able to see or smell it anylonger.

My eyes threatened to water but the anger that seemed to grow in me dried the tears away.

"He also sent this," Tobi said, giving me a small picture.

The picture was of two hands tightly tied together by a rope. There was alot of blood in the picture and I almost couldn't tell if it was from the bloody hand or the bloody rope.

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