Chapter 21|Psycho

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I'll try to make the chapters longer, I'm sorry if they aren't long enough.

Antonio's POV

Ice cold.

That's how my nights have been, the war from the past three years left me with nothing. I was alone, helpless and angry. For months I strived every night, and no matter how badly I wanted death to come I just couldn't let it, because I knew it wasn't over.

They took everything from me - she took everything from me. And now I want to repay the price. I want revenge.

The marble tiles underneath me reflected the fluorescent lights from the ceiling. Several people in wheel chairs were pushed all around me, all of them in hospital gowns or orange jumpsuits.

My large boots took slow easy steps forward, my cold hard hands were shoved in my pockets. My hoodie covered my large tattooed hands and buzz cut, but I tried not to look as suspicious as I might.

The air scented of medicine and fresh blood. I looked around. So many people here looked broken, scattered... Tired. I shook my head in amusement.

I walked past a room and all I could hear was screams, loud terrified screams form a girl, one that would be perfect for a horror movie. A shiver ran down my spine and I tried not to imagine what was going on in there. I felt uneasy in this building full of crazy people.

But that's what you get when you go into an asylum for prisoners.

When I stopped in front of the door to the room I was directed into, I hesitantly grabbed the doorknob with a gloved hand.

I turned to the guard and she slapped a sharp shiny object on my free palm. Her eyes told me one thing, 'for protection'. I wanted to laugh at how serious she looked, she has to be joking right?

I think I can defend myself just fine.

I shook my head telling her 'no' and she shrugged, stepping aside. I twisted the door knob and pushed the large metal door open.

The room was dark, but not too dark thanks to the lightbulb that hung from the ceiling, directly above a table. It had one metal chair at each side. I took steps closer as my eyes adjust into the dark room, then I see her.

There she sat.

Her head hung low, the long red greasy locks covering her pale face like a curtain. She was asleep, I could tell with the way her body rose and feel deeply and how her faint but loud snoring sounded, echoing in the empty room.

I walked to the empty seat and took a good look at her, she remained silent but after a few seconds I could tell she woke because of how tense her shoulders became.

"I know you're awake."

My words seemed to make her body grow even more tense. She raised her head slowly, her face finally showing. She looked even skinnier than before, her skin a pale and sickly green colour. Her eyes held large dark bags underneath. As our eyes locked she shot me a smile, a smile that would have anyone sinking in their seat.

The smile of a maniac.

"What a surprise to see you here. I was starting to think everyone forgot about me by now," her voice was hoarse, sounding like she hasn't had a drop of water in weeks which is probably because she just woke up.

It's like she's starving herself of food and sleep, usually asylums treat their patients well... This is just ridiculous.

She rested a hand on the table and I could hear the jingling of chains. I take a quick glance down and notice they handcuffed her hand to one leg of the table.

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