Doctor| Marcus X Reader *Requested*

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Requested by Amber1100


"What if they don't like me?" you ask, as you and you mate fly in his family's jet.

"Y/n, love," Marcus takes your hand, "they'll love you.  Just be yourself."

"That's the most idiotic advice I've ever heard."

"You are one of the best surgeons in the world, and you're worried about what my family thinks about you?"

"Marcus, I love you, but I need you to shut up."

"Come on, Y/n."

"No!  You're not being at all helpful!"

"You're a witch, how hard can it be to meet vampires?  You've done it before!"

"Yeah and in those times, none of the vampires are my mates family!"

"Y/n," Marcus starts.

"And I've never had a mate before!  This is all your fault," you jab a finger at Marcus' chest.

"Me?" Marcus exclaims.  "What did I do?"

"I don't know!" you throw your hands up.  

"We're touching down," says the pilot.


You and Marcus pull up in front of his family's house, more like castle.

"Is it too late to turn back?" you ask, glancing at the house.

"Definitely, they've most likely already smelled you and if they didn't, my family definitely heard the car pull up."

You mutter a curse.

"Y/n, love, it's time to get out of the car."

You pull out your phone and pretend to listen to someone.  You pull the phone away from your ear.

"Marcus we need to go back!  There's been an emergency back at New York!  They need me as soon as possible!"

Marcus raises an eyebrow, "Really?  That's the best you got?"

You scowl, "It was worth a shot."

"Come on," Marcus opens your door and you slide out.  "See that wasn't so hard!"

"I am going to curse you," you hiss.  "And not in the way you like!"

Marcus clears his throat, "Grandmother."

You whirl around to face the famous, Ysabeau de Clermont.

"Who is this?" the beautiful vampire asks, barely glancing at you.

"Grandmother, this is Y/n, my mate."

"Your mate?"

"Hello, Madame," you bow your head.

"Come in," the vampire says.

You quickly glance at Marcus, before entering the house.

"Thank you, Madame."

"This way," the female brushes past you and leads the way down the hall.

"Did that go well?" you ask.

"Better than I expected," Marcus whispers, "she likes you."

"How can you tell?"

"She didn't tear you to pieces?"

"There was a chance she was going to tear me to pieces?" you ask, your eyes wide.

A smirk finds it's way onto Marcus' face.

"It's not funny!" you protest.

Marcus laughs.

"Marcus!" you exclaim, appalled.

"I'm sorry love," Marcus says between laughs.

You scowl at the vampire.

Ysabeau leads you and Marcus into a room with a couple other people.

"Father, Mother."

"Who is this?" one of the two witches asks.

"I am Y/n," you introduce.

"My mate."

"Your mate?" Matthew de Clermont asks.


"How did you meet?"

"Y/n saved my life," Marcus says.

"I think you saved mine," you argue.  "I was being attacked by another witch and losing.  Marcus stepped in and saved my life."

"But then, after I passed out from an injury, you took care of my wounds."

"Do you have the requirements to take care of injuries?" Marcus' sire asks.

"I am a surgeon in New York, so yes."

"Y/n is one of the best surgeons in the world."

You blush, "That is not true."

"You are a witch," says the other witch in the room, this one sitting next to Matthew.

You frown, "That is correct."

"You are aware that by being with Marcus, that most witches are going to toss you out."

"I will love Marcus no matter what.  If witches toss me out for that, then I shouldn't have been spending time with them any way."

The witch nods, "I'm Diana Bishop."

"It's a pleasure," I say nodding to the witch.

"This is my aunt Sarah, my husband Matthew," Diana introduces everyone in the room, pointing at the people that belong with each name.

"It's nice to meet you."


You spend your days with Marcus and different family members.  You spend your nights with Marcus, talking about anything and everything, but mostly if Marcus thinks the family member you spent the day with likes you.

"Y/n," Marcus calls softly, trying to wake you up.

"Hmm?" you reply sleepily.

"It's time to get up."

"Five more minutes?" you beg.

"You have to meet my father," Marcus says.

You bolt up, "Why didn't you say so?"

Marcus shrugs.

You quickly dress and do everything else you need to do before meeting Marcus' sire.

"Good morning," you greet the vampire.

"Good morning," Matthew echos, "I'm going to make this short.  Everyone else has said how much they like you and how you make Marcus better."

You blush.

"So if you promise not to hurt Marcus, you have my blessing."


Matthew nods.

You let out a shout of excitement, "Thank you!"

Matthew struggles to hide a grin, "Go see your mate."


I hope you liked this Amber1100!

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