Accident| Loki X Reader

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Not my art!  For later reference, the mini-Avengers will be wearing regular clothes, just shrunken.


I was out shopping when I got an alert something was wrong at the tower.

I hop on the motorcycle that I may or may not have stolen from Steve. I drive as fast as I can, without breaking the law, and arrive at Avenger tower in record time.

"FRIDAY? What's with the alert?" I question.

"Well Agent L/n there was an incident in the lab that effected the whole tower."

I wince, "And who was in the tower?"

"No one but the Avengers minus you of course."

I let out a sigh of relief seeing as now I wouldn't have to apologize to any families why their sons, daughters, husbands, wives and parents weren't coming home.

"And what was the accident?"

"Well, Mister Stark and Doctor Banner were messing around," I raise a eyebrow. "Mister Stark was messing around and turned everyone in this tower into toddlers."

"And where is everyone now?"

"Loki is his room. Thor, Agent Romanoff, Mister Maximoff, Mister Rogers, Mister Barnes and Agent Barton are in the training room. Vision and Miss Maximoff are together in the kitchen. Finally Doctor Banner and Mister Stark are still in the Labs."

"Thanks FRIDAY!"

"No problem, Agent L/n."

Despite my desire to go to my crush, Loki, my first stop is the training room because that room had the most Avengers in it.

I step into the elevator and say, "Training room please FRIDAY."

"Of course, Agent L/n."

After a few seconds the elevator doors open and you step out into the hallway.

"Which training rooms are they in?" I ask.

"Agent Barton and Agent Romanoff are in the shooting room. Mister Maximoff, Mister Rogers, Mister Barnes and Thor are in the sparring room."

"Thank you FRIDAY."

"You're welcome."

I head towards the shooting room because who knows how much trouble two toddlers with weapons could get into.

I open the door and see Natasha and Clint on the floor, Clint is napping and Natasha is looking over him protectively.

"Hi, Nat, do you mind if I pick up Clint?"

Natasha looks over at me and realizes who I am makes a little noise and says, "Sureeeee, N/n!"

I let out a short laugh.

"Come on Nat, we're going to find some other Avengers," I say swooping down and pick up Clint and taking a step out the door. Once out the door I look back and see Nat toddling after us.

The three of us head towards the sparring room and I open the door, Clint still fast asleep in my arms.

With the door open I see Steve pushing around Bucky on his still adult sized shield, Thor holds a mini Mjölnir which is strange because Mjölnir shrunk but Steve's shield didn't, and Pietro running around.

I whisper, "Hello boys!"

Upon hearing my voice they all look up and stop what they're doing.

"Do you want to come with me?" I ask. "We can get a snack in the kitchen!"

Upon hearing snack the boys and Nat's stomachs rumble.

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