Siblings| Pietro X Reader

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There was a squeaking noise outside as you were making dinner for the kids and yourself.

"Cooper, take Nathaniel and Lila to your room! And don't make any noise until I sound the signal!" you yell.

There were sounds of feet running up the stairs and you knew that he followed your directions.

You raise your palms, a ball of fire burning in each, as you walk towards the front door.

"Y/n?" Clint asks walking through the door.

"Clint?" you ask extinguishing the fire. "But I thought-"

"We needed a place to lay low."


A red head women enters the room.


"Hey, N/n, hows it going?"

"Fine, how are you?" you ask noticing her frazzled expression.

"I'll be fine after a while."

"Feel free to stay as long as necessary," you say.

"This must be a agent of some kind," says another voice.

You look away from Natasha and see the rest of the 'Avengers'.

"Gentlemen this is, Y/n."

"No need to introduce yourselves, I know all your names."

"Where are the kids?" Clint asks.

"Oh! The kids are still hiding!" you realize walking towards the stairs then kneeling and hitting the stairs twice then clapping once then repeating the actions a second time.

Cooper runs down the stairs with Nathaniel in his arms and Lila following behind.

"Dad!" Lila yells.

"Hey sweetheart! Hey buddy!" Clint says picking up Lila and hugging Cooper, after Cooper hands Nathaniel off to you. "How are you?"

Steve Rogers looks at the two older kids and Clint strangely.

"These are smaller agents," says Tony Stark.

"Look at your face!" says Clint to Lila. "Oh my goodness!" Clint says to Coopers lost tooth.

Clint puts Lila down as she asks, "Did you bring Auntie Nat?"

"Why don't you hug her and find out?" Natasha asks starting forward to hug Lila who rushes to hug her Aunt.

"Sorry for barging in on you," says Steve Rogers as Nat picks up Lila.

"Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed," says Tony Stark.

"Yeah well, Fury helped me with this when I joined," says Clint hugging you and Cooper close, "he kept it off S. H. I. E. L. D.'s files. I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low."

"Y/n, whats for dinner," asks Lila after getting down from Nat's arms.

"We might have to wait a little while longer because we have guests and I need to make more food," you say to you niece.

A cry interrupts the silence and you rush to soothe the crying baby.

"How's little Natasha?" Nat asks leaning over the slowly calming baby.

"She's, Nathaniel," you say.

"Well, I'm still the godmother right?"

"Clint made sure of it."

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