Soulmates | Vampire! Draco X Reader *Requested*

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Draco's POV

Soulmates, I was someone's soulmate, and that someone was Y/n L/n, someone who refused to have anything to do with me.  Y/n doesn't even know I'm a vampire!

I knew I was L/n's soulmate when I walked past after L/n had gotten into a duel.  The smell of the blood was overwhelming and the scent addicting.  I had started to sway, overwhelmed with the smell of the blood, it was unlike anything I've ever smelled before.  But L/n only asked, 'Can't stand the sight of blood, Malfoy?'  and moved on!  I had just had a life changing realization and Y/n L/n couldn't care less.  

It's not even that I care Y/n is my soulmate, if I wasn't a vampire I wouldn't have done anything with the knowledge that L/n is my soulmate.  But because I am a vampire, I can't drink anyone else's blood and I'm starving.

At first I hadn't realized Y/n was my soulmate, because first of all there were others bleeding in the general vicinity as when I was having my uh, moment.  Also, the fact that there was someone out there, that was my perfect match was kind of absurd based on the past instances in my life.

But when I tried to eat a rat, not someone's pet, my fangs refused to pierce the rat's skin.  I tried again on a different rat, same thing.  So I tried a different animals, still nothing.  I eventually put two and two together, and started looking for the person who was my soulmate.

It has been weeks and I think I only have one week left.  

"Draco, are you okay?" Pansy asks.

"Fine," I snap, sitting at the Slytherin table.

"Are you sure?  You're looking paler than normal."

"I said I'm fine."  I'm not fine, I'm starving.

"Having problems, Malfoy?" L/n asks from further down the table.

"Nothing breakfast can't fix."

"Breakfast can't fix the way you look?"

I try to come up with a comeback, something that might draw Y/n to me, but I can't and fall face first into the table.


I wake to find myself in the hospital wing, with Pansy sitting by my side.

"Oh good you're awake," Madam Pomfrey says, gliding next to my bed and placing medicine on my bedside table.

"What's wrong with him?" Pansy asks.

Madam Pomfrey ignores her and says, "You're very luck Y/n L/n was there to carry you here.  I guess Quidditch is finally good for something other than injuries.  And Ms Parkinson, you must go to class."



 Pansy looks at me, before getting up and trudging to the door and before she leaves glancing one last time at me.

"I'm sure you know why you passed out."

I nod, glaring straight ahead.

"I can't offer you anything, medicine has not advanced far enough for there to be something to help a vampire who has smelled their soulmates blood."

"No supplements or anything?"

"No, I am sorry.  But maybe you can talk to your soulmate?"

I snort, thinking back to the times when I've tried to ask Y/n out.

"You don't have to get along with one another, if you make it clear to your soulmate that you will die without them, then your soulmate most likely will accept a deal.  Most vampires don't actually end up with their soulmate."

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