My Fake Boyfriend| Magnus X Reader

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"Magnus I need a favor," you say over the phone looking at the wedding invitation that is in your hand.

"What kind of favor?" the Warlock asks.

"The kind of favor where you're my date to my sisters wedding," you say hoping he says yes.

"Why do you need a date to your sisters wedding?"

"Well I said I had a boyfriend and I can't exactly deny that now."

"Why don't you ask one of your Shadowhunter friends?"

"Well I described my boyfriend as 'powerful' and 'funny'," you say.

"So why are you asking me? You should ask Jace."

I'm asking you because I like you! You want to say but instead you lie and say, "I already asked him and he said he had plans with Clary."

On the other end of the line Magnus frowned, he wasn't your first choice. You probably didn't like him romantically but you were desperate so you asked him. But he was stubborn and asked, "How else did you describe him?"

"'Attractive' and 'a leader'."

"Alec?" Magnus suggests.

I hate this, why can't I tell you I like you? Oh wait I know why I'm afraid of being friend-zoned! You think.

"Oh, he's going on a mission with Izzy."


"Please," you scoff. "No one really knows Simon and I said he was 'well known' and 'you would have to be living under a rock if you didn't know my boyfriend'."

Well at least I know I'm above Simon on the list, Magnus thinks.

"And you need a date for your sisters wedding?"

"Yes because I was bragging about him so my sister was like, 'why don't you bring him to my wedding?' And my parents are going to be there and they already think I'm a disappointment so I don't need them thinking that I can't get anyone. Also my ex is going to be there with the person he cheated on me with. So please go with me as my fake boyfriend?"

Magnus' line goes dead for a second and you think he'll turn you down but the silence is cut by Magnus saying, "Sure."

"Thank you!" you exclaim smiling.

"When is it?" Magnus asks.

"Tomorrow?" you say reluctantly.

"What! That's no time to plan a outfit!"

"Well it's a Shadowhunter wedding so I'm wearing gold."

*The Next Day*

"Okay so I have to go now but you have a couple more hours until you have to come," you say to Magnus on the phone, looking at yourself through the full body mirror that Izzy let you borrow.

"Okay," Magnus says, before he hangs up.

"Good enough," you mumble to yourself, before heading out of your room and to Clary's room.

"Clary," you yell, knocking.

"Just a moment!" you hear her yell back.

A few seconds later Clary opens the door with charcoal all over her arms.

"Is the wedding so soon?" Clary asks.

"Yeah," you relpy.

"Well come on in and I'll make you a portal."

"Thanks, Clary."

"What became of your boyfriend situation?"

You wince, "Magnus agreed to be my boyfriend for tonight."

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