Never Again| Tony Stark X Reader

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Warning: Cussing and mentions of sex


Pouring yourself some cereal you see everyone but Tony is there.

Sitting down in the middle of Bucky and Steve. Just as you put the first bite of your breakfast into your mouth in comes a girl wearing only a bra and (hopefully) underwear under one of Tony's button up long-sleeve shirts -unbuttoned and a twing of jealousy runs through you.

"Ugh not again," you groan.

"What?" Steve asks looking up from his apple. Once he sees why you groan he looks down blushing, "Oh that's why."

Bucky laughs at his friend.

"At least Tony made the walls sound proof in his room," you say. "Or else our poor Steve would have nightmares about the sounds coming from his room."

"Ha ha very funny Y/n," Steve says.

"Agent L/n Tony would like you to come down to the Lab," Friday says.

"Have fun," Nat says.

"But but I don't want to," you protest. "Friday please tell Iron Ass that I'm not coming."

"Would you like me to use those exact words?" he asks.

You ponder, "No I think I would like you to tell him that, 'Iron Ass I'm not you're servant to call on command if you want something you need to come up here and tell me yourself.' Thank you Friday."

"You're welcome Agent."

"Tony won't like that," the mostly undressed girl states.

"I couldn't care less what Tony thinks. I'm not his nightly hook-up," you spit out.

"You think that but you better get used to me L/n. I'll be around here a lot more often-"

"Why you going to become his new assistant? Because I know you weren't going to say girlfriend," Nat says.

"No girl he brings around here lasts longer then a night," comments Bruce.

"You certainly aren't the first," Pietro comments.

As his sister Wanda finishes, "And you certainly won't be the last."

"Agent L/n, Mr. Stark insists that you go down to the Lab and between you, the rest of the team listening and me he was not all to pleased with your response you gave him. So I would recommend coming."

"Good luck," Bucky says.

"Tell him I'm busy but wait until I tell you please Friday," you say walking out of the room.

Once in the training room you say, "You can tell him now Friday."

Once you reach the weapon area you pick up throwing daggers and begin throwing.

"Agent L/n I'm sorry to interrupt your practice but Mr. Stark says it's urgent."

"Fine, I'm going."

Walking down the hall to the elevator which then takes you to the Lab where Tony is working on one of his suits.

"I thought you said it was urgent."

"It was the only thing to get you here," he says turning

You flick him off.

"Whatever I need you to escort G/n out."

"Whatever to get that flirting out of here," you say storming out.

Once you've arrived at the living room you see G/n practically on top of poor Steve while flirting with the rest of the boys.

"Hey G/n Clint is married, Bruce, Thor, Vision and Steve have girlfriends that will be kicking your ass if you don't get out of here."

"Oh really well Fast boy, green eyes and metal arm here are single," she says smirking at you thinking she's won.

"Well 'Fast boy,'" you say putting air quotes around the name, "has a sister who will gladly kick your ass and 'Metal arm' has Steve to kick your ass and 'green eyes' is a god and I don't think I need to remind you who you're in a room with?"

"Tony would help me!"

"We don't care and we certainly want you out of here so please grab your stuff while I escort you out."

"Or if you don't want to leave we could send you out without your stuff?" Wanda asks.

You, Wanda and Natasha make little shooing motions.

She stumbles out.

"Hurrah!" you cheer.

"Thanks for getting her off me," Steve says.

"Thanks for stopping her flirting," Bucky says.

"Of course you guys are my family I would do anything to help you guys."

G/n stumbles into the room.

"Let's go," you say strutting out of the room without looking behind you to see if she's following you.

Once you reach the elevator the girl seems to regain her confidence.

"Maybe I should tell you how it feels for Tony to fuck you because I doubt he'll do it to you."

"What makes you think I want Tony to fuck me?"

"Why because you're jealous Y/n."

"Who would I be jealous of? You? Please I live with the dick I'm not jealous of a one night stand."

"So you admit you have feelings for Tony."

Ping. Oh thank god the elevator.

"Bye," you say pushing her in the elevator. "Friday please make sure that G/n leaves the building, one way or another."

"Of course Agent L/n."

Walking toward the Training room you see Natasha and Steve sparing while Bucky watch's.

"Hey," you say to Bucky.

"Hi Y/n. The girl gone?"


A few minutes later Natasha and Steve are still fighting when someone calls out your name.

You turn and there is Tony.

"What do you want," you say storming up to him. "Have another girl you want me to escort out? Well guess what Stark? I'm sick and tired of you acting like I'm nothing more then someone to do your dirty work. So listen up, I won't tell you again, I'm sick of pretending I don't care about taking your one night stands out of the tower because you're to much of a wimp to do it your self. And you know what the worst part is? I still love you."

Still fuming you try to get past him but he grabs your arm.

"What?" you growl.

"You like me?" he asks hope in his eyes.

"Yes. Now let go," you say trying to pull your arm out of his grasp.

But instead of letting go he pulls you closer and brushes his lips against yours as if asking for permission.

Having enough of him barely going kissing you pull his head closer with your one free hand.

After a few seconds of kissing him you pull away.

He looks at you confused.

"I'm not going to be your nightly hook up," you say.


"You promise that while we're together you won't have another hook up?"

"Never again," he promises.

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