Man with a Plan| Steve X Reader

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The Avengers were at a party held by none other then Tony Stark *cough Stank cough*. Almost everyone had left except for the Avengers.

You were sitting next to your boyfriend -Steve Rogers Aka Captain America- on one of the couches when suddenly a song came on that no one knew what it was except for a certain super-soldier.

You raise an eyebrow, looking around the room to see if anyone recognized the song. Your gaze locked on Steve's blushing face.

"Steve?" you question.

"Oh uh this is the song that I used when I was a show monkey."

"Oh! So this is the 'Man with a plan song?"

Steve smiles nervously, "Yeah."

"Cool! I wonder where Tony found this!"

"Oh I was going through some of dear old dad's stuff and I found this," Tony says plopping onto a couch next to Bruce.

"Oh my goodness this is embarrassing," Steve complains.

"Really I like it," you say smiling.

"Oh... well.... um," Steve stutters blushing.

Who's strong and brave, here to save the American Way?

Who vows to fight like a man for what's right night and day?

"Well Y/n I've fought in many wars," Steve starts.

Who will campaign door-to-door for America,

Carry the flag shore to shore for America,

"I've been many places," he continues.

From Hoboken to Spokane,

"But I've never seen someone as amazing as you." At this point the Avengers were on the edge of their seats.

The Star Spangled Man with a Plan!

"The plan for my life is unpredictable but I know I want you in it."

We can't ignore there's a threat and a war we must win,

"Yes there will be wars we must fight in but I want to fight along-side you," you had tears streaming down your face.

Who'll hang a noose on the goose-stepping goons from Berlin?

Who will redeem, head the call for America,

Who'll rise or fall, give his all for America,

"Not only will I fight for America but for you."

Who's here to prove that we can?

The Star Spangled Man with a Plan!

"I want to plan my life with you."

Stalwart and steady and true,

"I will always be there for you."

(see how this guy can shoot, we tell ya, there's no substitute!)

Forceful and ready to defend the

"I will defend you 'till my dying breath."

Red, White, and Blue!

Who'll give the Axis the sack, and is smart as a fox?

"If I'm as smart as they say I'll keep you forever."

(far as an eagle will soar)

Who's making Adolph afraid to step out of his box?

(He knows what we're fighting for!)

"I will fight for you."

Who waked the giant that napped in America?

We know it's no-one but Captain America,

"I know that being with me is difficult because of how different things are now but will you help me?"

Who'll finish what they began?

"I want to ask you..."

Who'll kick the Krauts to Japan?

The Star Spangled Man with a Plan!

(Who's strong and brave, here to save the American way?!)

"To be strong and brave and fight beside me to the end of the line, to plan your life with me, to be there for me, to defend me 'till your dying breath, to help me," Steve gets down on his knee and pulls out a box and opens it. "So Y/n M/n L/n will you do all those things and marry me?"

The Avengers face you waiting for your reaction.

"Yes! Yes Steve! Steven Grant Rogers, I can't wait to plan my life with you!" you announce crying. Holding out your hand Steve slowly slides the gorgeous ring onto your finger.

The Avengers clap wildly and Nat and Wanda approach you while Steve is pulled away by Bucky, Sam and the rest of the boys.

"So you're engaged now," says Nat.

"Congrats," says Wanda smiling widely.

"So who is going to be the maid of honor?" Nat asks.

Wanda elbows her, but you just laugh.

"Well since this is new I haven't put much thought into this but I want you both to be my maid of honor," you say smiling.

"So we'll be the maids of honor?" questions Natasha.


"I could live with that."

"Me too," Wanda agrees.

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