(Alex Fierro x Reader, Requested) No Shit Sherlock

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Requested by: IamMcShizzlesSO 

 A/N: This one shot is not gender specific, in case anyone is confused. Also I will talk about you reading a book so just think of your favorite one!

Trigger Warning:  Swearing


You were annoyed, to put it mildly. 

You had been in perfect peace and quiet. The fan had been blowing softly and you had a warm cup of tea beside you as well as some snacks. You were the perfect temperature. The smell of chocolate chip cookies wafted down the hallway. It was a Saturday and so Halfborn was baking. Usually Mallory would 'help' him but you assumed she hadn't this week because there had been no shouting or explosions of any sort.

It was just too good to last.

You had been so completely and utterly immersed in your book that you hadn't even noticed Alex walk in and sit down beside you. 

"Y/N." Alex said and you nearly jumped out of your seat.

"Don't do that Alex!" You said. As your breathing settled you guessed that Alex was identifying female right now because she was wearing a neon pink skirt. 

"She/her?" You asked, just to make sure. The two of you had been dating for months now but you still asked, just to be polite.

"Yep!" She replied and moved to perch on the armrest of the couch. She looked bored which worried you a little but you picked your book back up off your lap and began flipping through it to find your page.

"You made me lose my page." You said, mildly annoyed.

"Aren't you going to ask what I'm doing here?" Alex asked.


"Why not? Aren't you curious?" Alex questioned further.

"Nope." You had found your page and began reading again. Alex was silent for a few minutes before talking again.

"What are you reading?" She asked.


Alex gave you a look that said she wouldn't stop bugging you until she got an answer.

Words." You said. "Words, words, words."

"No shit Sherlock." Alex said.

"Fuck you Watson." You replied, giggling and Alex laughed a little too. You resumed reading.

In your peripheral vision you could see Alex hop off the couch and onto the floor. She picked up one of her feet and put it on her opposite shoulder. She picked up the other one and tried to twist it to do the same and rolled over backwards.

"Help! I'm stuck!" Alex said dramatically. You sighed and rolled your eyes but got up and helped Alex to her feet. You sat back down and began reading again.

"Y/N. You're ignoring me." Alex said.

"No I'm not. I'm just reading. C'mere and read with me." You replied. Alex gave a sigh and somersaulted over to sit beside you. It was quiet for a good five minutes.

"Y/N. I want you to pay attention to me though." She said and kissed your cheek.

"I am paying attention to you!" You said, smiling. 

"No you aren't!" She said and shifted into an adorable green puppy, climbing onto your lap. You smiled and pet her.

"Ok, ok, ok, I'm sorry. Just one more chapter, alright?" You said. Alex gave a little sigh, which was extra adorable when she was a puppy, and rested her furry green head on your leg. When you finished the chapter you looked up to see Alex was fast asleep and was still in puppy form. You reached carefully, trying to move as little as possible, and placed the book on a shelf. At the tiny noise Alex jerked awake and jumped onto the floor, shifting back into human form. You could see Alex was male now.

"You're done?" Alex said excitedly. 

"Yes." You replied, with a last longing glance at your book, sitting neatly on the shelf.

"Great!" Alex said and took your hand. He kissed you on the cheek and pulled you towards the door. "Come on let's go!" You grinned at his excitement and let yourself be pulled along.

Sorry it's short, but I hope you liked it!

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