(Story) I Bombard Percy with Mentos

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Told from Leo's point of view

I was really mad. Well maybe not really mad just mad. Well not really mad either, just feeling mischievous and faintly annoyed. Percy had been in a mischievous mood as well it seems for he had pranked the majority of his friends. Percy had falsely spilled water on Annabeth's laptop when he really was just making it hover. Percy had also covered Festus entirely with post it notes making him look like some kind of frilly rainbow piñata. Oh well, I'll get him back for this. Maybe Annabeth will help to, I know she was pretty grouchy. That is if she doesn't kill me. 

As I walked over to the Athena cabin I brainstormed ideas for a good prank. Whipped shaving cream? No, been done to many times. Fake poop? No. I have one! Percy loves blue coke, what if I put Mentos in his coke? I would have to be sneaky about it though. Maybe Annabeth will have some ideas!

I knocked on the door and was greeted with good news and bad news. 

Good news: Annabeth was the one who opened the door so that meant she wasn't too busy. 

Bad news: she was fuming. If she were me her hair would be on fire. But then if she were me, then I'd be her and I'd be mad, but she'd be me, so... I was cut off.

"This had better me pretty dam important Leonidas Valdez or I swear to the gods that it is the last thing you will ever do!"

"I didn't do it!" I said automatically. "Well I didn't do anything, but I was wondering if maybe you wanted to..." I trailed off, do to the look she was giving me. Gods this girl scares me!

"Is this about Percy?"

I sighed in relief. "Yes. I was wondering if you want to prank him back with me?" Her face lit up in a grin that made me thankful she was on my side.

"Yes! What are your ideas?"

"Well actually I was thinking that we could freeze Mentos in some ice cubes and get Percy to put them in his blue coke?" I said, wondering why I'd phrased it as a question.

"Have you ever heard of painting soap with some clear nail polish, so it won't lather?"

"No, but let's do it!" This girl was awesome.

"Problem is, I don't have any clear nail polish."

"Oh! Don't worry, I have some!" She gave me a weird look, but I chose to ignore it. The truth was I sometimes liked to put on a clear coat of nail polish, it was very meditative. At least that's what I told myself.

====A few hours later====

The ice had hardened around the Mentos perfectly and they looked normal. We had added three coats of nail polish to the soap and tested it a couple of times to be sure. Actually it was seven times, we both are odd that way. 

Annabeth was radiating excitement, but me not so much. Percy and I had never gotten along that well, although our friendship had certainly bloomed recently. Don't tell Annabeth I was worried though! 

"Last minute regrets, Valdez?"

I jumped. "No! I was wondering how we are going to get him to put the ice in though."

"Oh, I have that figured out already. I will ask him to train with me and him being the slightly naïve person he is, will. He will be hot and sweaty, get a drink and add ice to it. Once it explodes, he will try to wash off with the soap and ta-da! Done!"

"Ok, Annie!"

"Do not call me that!" She said fiercely as she walked towards the door with the stuff in her hands.

"Ok, what about Wise Girl?"


"Smarty Pants"


"Mrs. Smarty?"


"Mrs. Jackson?"

She turned such a deep shade of red I was afraid she would explode but she didn't say anything.

"Is that a yes? I think it's a yes. I'm taking it as a yes."

"Shut up Valdez. He hasn't proposed."

"Ooooooh! So you would say yes if he did propose? Really? Annabeth Jackson. That still sounds cool, though not quite the same. Would you take his name though? That's the other question. And if..." I was cut off again.

"I said shut up! Now go find a spot to hide by the arena, so you can watch the fun."

"Yes Mrs. Jackson!" I said extremely cheekily and ran off to hide. 

A few minutes later the two of them arrived, talking and laughing Annabeth playing the part perfectly, making me glad once more she was on my team in this case.

They began to spar, Percy going easy-ish on it until he realized his mistake too late and she disarmed him. He laughed it off and went to grab a coke. Annabeth had made some architectural changes to the arena, including a fridge, outdoor shower and fans.

As he reached for the ice cubes I held my breath, waiting. He put them in.




Fwoooooooooooosh! The coke sprayed upwards and Percy, being unprepared, got soaked right in the face! I struggled to contain my laughter.

"Annabeth!" He shouted but she was gone. Probably the cap.

Spluttering and coughing he stood up and the rest of the cubes exploded, this time on his shirt. He dropped the metal cup and it landed on his toes. He hopped around for a bit before running for the shower. He took off his shirt and grabbed the soap.

Beginning to rub it on his face he scrubbed. it didn't lather. He scrubbed some more. It didn't lather. He scrubbed as hard as possible on his arm to get the sticky syrup off and nothing happened. He continued to scrub until I couldn't contain my laughter any more.

I burst out of the trees dramatically.

Nothing happened. He is facing the wrong way! Dam!

I decided to yell from here.

"And that was for turning Festus into a rainbow piñata!" I then attempted an evil sounding cackle, but it came out more like a dying parrot.

"And almost giving me a heart attack!" Annabeth shouted, appearing behind him.

He turned around. "Sorry Wise Girl. My deepest apologies."

 "I forgive you now Seaweed Brain."

They kissed.

"I guess you forgot I'm here, huh?" They ignored me. "Ok, I'm just gonna go now." They pulled away, staring at each other. "Yeah bye!" I left.

And that was how I pranked the son of the sea god.

Word count: 1049

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