(Will SolacexReader, Requested) I Spend Time with my Glow-in-the-Dark Boyfriend

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(This is a Will Solace x female reader)

Y/G/P = Your Godly Parent

 A/N: For the purpose of this one shot Will Solace is Bisexual.

Warnings: None

It was a beautiful day to die.

Of course you didn't plan to do any dieing, but if it had been your day to die it would have been beautiful. Today your plans consisted of some reading, sword practice with the rest of the Y/G/P cabin and maybe a swim.

Your afternoon plans were changed when your boyfriend showed up. You had been underneath a tree, reading peacefully, when he arrived.

 "Y/N!" He called from a couple feet away. You jumped up, startled.

 "Don't do that!" You said as he wrapped you up in a hug.

 "I can't come see my beautiful girlfriend whenever I want?" He teased. You didn't answer. "Oh yeah! I almost forgot! I'm kidnapping you." 

He picked you up, and hung you over his shoulder. You shrieked.

 "Put me down this instant Solace!" You said and whacked him on the back.

 "Just a minute darling!" He said. You could hear the grin in his voice as he sped up, running now. You shrieked even louder and you could see the kids at the volleyball court giving you weird looks.

You relaxed eventually. "Fine. Where are we going Will?"

 "Places." He said. You wondered how he was still running. 

  You heard his footsteps begin to hit wood and you thrashed about more as you realised he was running down the dock. With a splash he threw you into the lake. It was mid-summer and not too cold so you didn't mind much. You came up, spluttering.

"William Solace!" You shouted, swimming towards him.

"Yes darling?" He replied cheekily. You reached the edge of the dock and crossed your arms over the edge.

"C'mere." You said, turning your face like you were about to kiss him. He leaned in and you tugged on his arms, pulling him into the lake with a splash.

"Oh, now you're in for it!" He said and you swam away as fast as you could, laughing.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" You said as he caught you, tickling you through the cloth. "Stop it Will!

"Come on, I have another surprise." He said tugging your arm and dunking back under the water.

"I don't think I want another 'surprise'." You said.

"Come on please? I promise you'll like it." He replied with a cute little pout, lifting you back onto the dock.

"Fine." You said, smiling.

"Yay!" He said, pecking you on the lips and swinging you back over his wet shoulder. He ran down to the beach where the sun was beginning to set on the water. He set you down nicely on a baby blue picnic blanket.

"There's supposed to be a meteor shower tonight, I asked Thalia." He said as he took his now damp shirt off. You blushed a bit and looked pointedly at the blanket.

"What's the matter?" He asked, innocently.

"Nothing, it sounds lovely." You replied. He snuggled into you and you lied your head down in his lap and let his run his fingers through your hair.

As it grew darker, the stars started to come out, twinkling in the sky.

"It's so pretty." You said softly.

"Not as pretty as you." He replied.

"You are way too cheesy." You replied lightheartedly sitting up and looking at him. "Oh my gods!" You shouted.

"What?" He said, jumping up and dancing around to see if there was something on him.

"Will, you're glowing!" You said. It was true, a soft yellow light was drifting off of him, brightest at his hair.

"Oh." He said relaxing visibly.

"I didn't knew you did that!"

"Yeah, sorry. Are you mad?" He asked, nervously running a hand through his glowing hair.

"Of course not. It's so pretty." You said, playing with his hair. He leaned down and little and kissed you gently on the lips. He smelled like salt water and sunshine.

"But I'm calling you Rapunzel."

I hope you like it!
I based it off of a Apollo cabin headcannon I read that said Apollo's kids glow in the dark.

Edit: It is confirmed in ToN that he actually does glow in the dark!

Word count: 683

Until next time my Greek geeks!

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