(Valgrace, Requested) I Find an Elf in the Basement

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Requested by: Myssmystik

Leo's POV:

I coughed again and I felt like I was going to cough my lungs out. My throat was dry and raspy, I could barely talk. Not that I needed to, no one ever came down to the engine room anyways. I caught some sort of cold a few months ago when we got back from the Wolf House. Maybe Khione had done something, a curse of sorts maybe. I didn't really care. The world tipped and spun and I felt my head knock against something hard as I collapsed. My eyelids felt so heavy. Maybe if I just went to sleep for a few minutes. . .


When I woke up again it was darker than before. I sat up and winced at a sharp pain in the back of my head. I carefully reached up to touch it. I could feel a large welt which must have formed from my fall. I shivered. I was freezing.

I grasped a nearby pipe for support, it might have been the one I hit my head on, and heaved myself to my feet. The world spun and spots flew around in front of my eyes. I tried to take a step forward and fell onto my face. My arms hadn't responded for some reason. I lay there, enjoying the warm floorboards, the wood grain rubbing on my cheek. It smelled like nice fresh cedar. It was much more comfy down here. The world drifted off into blackness again.


Jason's POV

Where in the nine realms was he!? I hadn't seen Leo for two days. At first I wasn't that worried because he disappears often, working on some project or another and will reappear at random times to eat or not at all. He always looked so cute when he was working, he always bit his lip when he concentrated and it was so captivating. I could watch him for hours. . .

Snap out of it Grace! If you want to find him, stop daydreaming and get to work!

I had already checked his cabin, the mess hall, the entire top floor, the stables and his upper workshop. I hadn't checked the engine room yet! My pace quickened into a jog and as I hurried to find him I didn't see Annabeth in my way. We collided with a crash and I was knocked backwards onto my shoulder. I got up, rubbing it. Definitely going to leave a bruise.

"Sorry about that." I said, helping Annabeth up.

"Don't worry about it." She replied tersely and began to walk off.

"Wait! Have you seen Leo anywhere?" I called after her.

"No. He's probably somewhere annoying the heck out of someone." She replied. I thought that was very unfair, his occupation wasn't annoying people he was so much more! I turned to say so but she had already disappeared around the corner. I heaved a sigh and ran off once more to the engine room.

I descended into the darkness of the engine room. It smelled like oil and cedar down here and there must have been a furnace down here because I began to sweat as I explored the maze of pipes.

"Leo!" I called out and strained my eyes in the dim light. "Leo, it's Jason are you down here?"

There was no reply. As I went deeper into the maze I began to wish I had had the foresight to bring a flashlight. I banged my knee against a pipe and yelped, the noise echoing throughout the room.

"Leo!" I called again. Nothing. I began to walk forwards again, stepping over the pipe this time when I heard a groan.

"Leo?" I called as I rushed recklessly towards it. I almost stepped on him.

I found him lying on the floor, unconscious and weirdly pale.

"Leo. It's me buddy." I said as I grabbed his shoulder to shake him. He was freezing cold. "Leo, come on, you need to wake up." I shook him a little more. I scanned over his body and saw a walnut size lump on the back of his head. I realized it might not be safe to move him but when he woke up he was going to have a splitting headache. I traced my way back to my cabin, grabbing a bottle of aspirin, some ambrosia, water, and an armful of blankets.

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