(All x Anorexic!Reader) What's a Little Bit of Hunger? - Part 2

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Ok, ok, ok, ok. I got this. I'm going to rock this. Ok, ok, ok. Why am I nervous? No, no, no, no. Yes. No. Yes. Aargh!

Leo mentally cursed as he stubbed his toe on a tree root. He was on his way to talk to you, Piper had insisted that he go right now and he was making his way over to your cabin.  He treaded carefully on his injured foot and balanced on one leg as he knocked in a pattern. There was silence for a few seconds before you shouted from within. "Coming! Just a minute!" Your voice sounded a little weird and as you opened the door he saw why. You'd obviously been crying your eyes out but you had a smile as big as the Joker's plastered on your face.

"Hey Leo. What's up?" You asked sounding much too cheerful. You sounded like Cinderella or something.

"I uh-" He cursed. How did you start a conversation like this? Hey, are you starving yourself? Hey, why haven't you eaten? Hey, sorry about missing out on the whole self-destructive eating habits thing, I was distracted by this new project I'm working on and-  He snapped back to real life to see you waving your hand in front of his face.

"Leo? Leo." You said.

"Were you crying?" He blurted out. You froze and blinked stiffly. He mentally slapped himself. Wow. Great job Leo. You suck.

"No. I mean yeah. I was crying." You said, regaining a bit of composure.

"Why?" He asked, a little more gently.

"Oh you know. Death. Doom. Destruction. All that good stuff." You said. He could almost see your walls being put back up, like someone was raising the drawbridge. He decided to take a chance and hope it worked.

"I know you haven't eaten since yesterday." You froze again.

You began talking at a rapid fire pace, your voice getting thicker with each word. "Yeah, I haven't been feeling too good lately, it should go away soon. Anyway, I was going to take a shower so-"

"Y/n." He interrupted. You paused and looked at your feet and blinked to hold back tears. "Do you want to talk?" You paused for a long minute, long enough for him to think you might say no before you gave a small nod. He heaved a small sigh of relief and followed you in. He sat down in the middle of the floor(it always helped him clear his mind) and you sat down too.

"I-" You began and stopped. He stayed quiet. "It's just that-" You began again but couldn't find the words. "I- I-" you began to cry again and he wrapped you up in a side hug. "Shhh." You stopped trying to talk and just cried. You straightened up and wiped your eyes.

"Sorry." You said.

"No!" He almost shouted. You looked at him, surprised. "Don't you dare apologize."

"Sor- ok." You said, catching yourself at the last minute. He smiled a little.

"If you don't want to talk that's ok." Leo said.

"No, no. I do. I think. More like if I don't talk I'm literally going to explode." You replied. You took a deep breath and began.

(Everyone has their own story so just imagine telling your story to Leo here)

"I'm sorry Y/n." Leo said once you'd finished. 

"It's ok." You said.

"No it isn't." 


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