//Chapter 2: Cat and Mouse//

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     "Who are you... and Why did you come from a hole in the ceiling...." He barked down at you in a harsh tone.


       Currently, you were attempting to let out a reason or possible answer on your current situation to the man. But, perhaps it was nerves or something else, no words came out, just small silent gasps like as if you were some sort of fish. The Ivan look-alike face contorted to frustration and he grasps both of your cheeks in a strong clutch. Forcing you to snap out of whatever trance you were in.

          "Вы собираетесь говорить?!? Вы тратите свое время! Я должен убить тебя и накормить тебя этим проклятым канадским медведем!" He yelled at you in his russian native tongue, shaking your head slightly as he spoke.

           (Are you going to speak?!? You are wasting my time! I should kill you and feed you to that damn Canadian's bear!)

            "Eep! пожалуйста, не делай этого .... Я не уверен, как я провалился через эту дыру, у моего друга была небольшая магическая авария ..." You squeaked out quickly, hoping the large male would let go of your face. You can't believe you had only been here, well whatever this place is, for a couple of minutes and have already angered someone. Someone who looks like an old friend of yours, and one that looks like he could kill you.

              (Please don't do that.... I'm not sure how I fell through that hole, my friend had a little magic accident...)

             Somehow the answer you gave was satisfactory enough for the man and he lets go of your face as well as dropping you. It wasn't a very nice drop either as you land harshly on the cracked and dirty cold tile ground.

"Ow..." Wincing slightly, you take this slim opportunity to get to your feet and possibly gain information on your surroundings. The room was oddly similar to the world meeting room like back home. Except it was much more dirty and odd... reddish stains appeared on some of the walls and floors. You just hoped it was pasta sauce... and not what else it could possibly be.

            "Magic? What do you exactly mean by magic?" The Russian finally speaks again, breaking your train of thoughts. Turning your attention back to the man before you, you see he is marching slowly towards you. Though from a quick look to his face, you could see he had sinister intentions behind it, "Does your magic friend happen to go by the name of Arthur? Or do you prefer to call him england, da?"

            You start to step backwards to keep a good distance between you and the man. However, soon your back collides with the old dusty wall behind you. Before you can think to go dodge to the right or left, he quickly traps you in with his towering figure.

You attempt to push yourself further into the wall to give yourself more space between you two but It didn't do much as you could still feel his breath fan your face. You decide to finally take a glance at his face instead of looking at his neck, but you soon regret your decision as you take your glance at his smile.

Oh man, his smile was nothing, nothing, like the one Ivan has. This man's smile stretched across his face almost in a smirk like way that practically reeked of powerful overconfidence. Underneath his smile, you could see a subtle flash of his pearly white teeth. Teeth that seemed like that of a wolf, ready to bear and bite down on your feeble neck. As if you were some sort of bunny or ...sheep, ready to be feasted upon.

That's what it was. You were prey to him right now. You couldn't overpower him and he knew it. You could see it written in his eyes, his soul. His red eyes gleamed in the shadow he casted upon you two, a gleam that leaked of subtle mischief. Excited for what he had planned for you.

The Other Side: BloodLust (2p Hetalia x reader)Where stories live. Discover now