//Chapter 5: Escaping Dark England//

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"Ah so hot..."

           Now out of London without any smog in sight, the sun burns over you and Kumajiro's 2p, which you now know is named Kuma, walk through the grassy green woods. It had been about 16 hours since the two of you escaped London and were currently passing somewhere near a destroyed runed Cambridge. Kuma was no longer carrying you, he had gotten tired 9 hours through carrying you so you have ended up walking the rest of the way. Making you clearly exhausted.

             At first you were very wary of the big polar bear but after being with Kuma for 16 hours you got to see he wasn't that bad. He actually reminded you of Canada's bear, Kumajirou, back home. And just like Kumajiro, Kuma was able to talk. He just had a more rough and deep voice.

Which suited him because he was... a lot more macho than the Kumajiro from back home.

Also, while walking, not only were you comfortable with Kuma but you could officially trust him and call him a friend. He had explained to you that the whole reason he helped you out was because he and Kumajiro have large amounts of magic flowing through them from the Englands. This made them sometimes share glimpses or memories from each other's life. So he had some rather nice memories about you from Kumajiro.

For this clear reason, Kuma also promised you he wanted to help you get back to your world. He said he had the perfect plan as well. Since he had already lost the Allies and Romania, which the bear apparently noticed was spying on you, the two of you were going to make a run for it to Italy. Purposely to hide out in axis territory.

            You are taken out of your thoughts as a splashing and whistling of waves catches your ears. You stop in your track and listen to the calming noise; realization hits you. It was a stream off in the distance. About to the left of the two of you. Kuma seemed to have heard it too as he went of in the direction of the noise.

           Following him, you pushed passed bush after bush until a very sudden bright light blinds you. After blinking and adjusting your eyes, you see a beautiful site; a bunch of building runes with a glistening clear stream. Some fishes jump out occasionally. It was such a beautiful sight you wanted to remember forever.

           Kuma quickly ended up going into the water to chase after the fishes. You watched for a while, occasionally giggling after he would lose a fish and made a confused face as he tried to find out where it went.

             Getting closer to the water, you looked down at yourself in the reflection of the water before jumping back in shock. You were a mess. It wasn't a slightly type of bad either. No, it was a really really bad. You looked like a crazy person; your hair had pieces of mud and leaves sticking out, your face and skin had blobs of black and brown likely from dirt or soot and finally, finally, your outfit. Oh god your outfit. It was so torn and dirty it hardly looked like the original thing.

               Looking around and finally stopping at the rune houses to the right of me, you let out a worry sigh. Hopefully there is something in there you could use.


             The door made an unsettling creak as you exit the rune house. Quickly getting out, you shivered at the thought of having to go back in there again. You had already thought the place wouldn't have been great but it had truly surprised you. It had been infested from head and toe with tons of rodents, bugs and moss.

Though you can't complain, it was a good choice going through the house. You ended up finding an army swish knife, a butcher's knife, a tattered backpack, a bar of soap, an old blanket, a half finish first aid kit and one pair of clothes. Most of the clothes that were in the drawers were moth infested so you only had one outfit to choose.

              With the clothes in hand, you walked to the edge of the water and took in the view. The sun had started to set giving a pretty orange glow, everything looked so peaceful. Kuma was no longer in the water but I wasn't worried. You knew he must be close nearby.

           After checking to make sure the coast is clear, you strip yourself of your dirty clothes and throw them off somewhere. Letting out a small hiss, you poke your feet into the water to feel it was slightly cold. Not too cold that you had to worry about getting sick however

"Oh great..." Begrudgingly, you make your way into the river, letting out small squeaks at the cold feeling sometimes. Once settled, you scrubbed the dirt off your body. Singing a little tune you heard from Italy while doing so,        


            Jumping at the growl, you are scared at first but once you turn around at the noise, you couldn't help but laugh. There stood a soaking polar bear. Or perhaps you should say Brown bear since he was soaked with thick thick mud.

            "Stop laughing..." kuma growled while pouting.

            "Sorry kuma...." You pause as you let out another small laugh, "Come here I have a bar of soap. Let's try to get some of that dirt out."

            Stomping his way over, Kuma descends into the water to where you were. Once he has reached you, you start to scrub the dirty bear. It was quiet for a moment... very peaceful. Kuma seemed content with himself as well as he let out small purrs when you would scratch certain places he found nice.

"There, all done."

Once done, you two get out of the water. Especially now that it has grown dark. Quickly, putting on your clothes, you make your way over to Kuma.

With no way to start a fire, you cuddle up to Kuma for warmth and grab a fish. It was still raw since you couldn't cook it. After taking off the scaly skin, you tried your best not to gag at certain parts of the fish. It wasn't all that bad, just some parts were more slimy than others. You just ended up choosing to give that part to Kuma.

             Once you achieve a full stomach, your eyes get heavy and you cuddle further into Kuma, making sure to grab your blanket as you do so. Just as your vision goes dark, you hear kuma begin to snore and the two of you drift off into a deep slumber.

The Other Side: BloodLust (2p Hetalia x reader)Where stories live. Discover now