//Chapter 6.5//

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Letting out a couple of gasps, you take in sweet gulps of air as your head surface out of the sea. Wiping the salty water out of your eyes, you take a look around you frantically.

      "(Y/n)!!" Spinning around, You see Kuma a little bit away standing at the edge of the beach. He hadn't fallen with you when the cliff cracked. "Over here! Hurry."

       Just as you were about to swim over, you felt your vision slightly slip in and out. Wiping them, you were confused until you felt a nauseating headache hit you.

       "Ow. Ow. Ow..." You mumble incoherently. Though as soon as it came the headache left.

       "What..." You grow more confused as you feel the water and the air around you get really cold all of a sudden. Or maybe, it was just you. You had no idea.

       You could also hear what sounded like muffled calls or yelling off in the distance. Perhaps it was Kuma, you didn't know.

      "Where are you??" A Child's voice echoes out.

     "H-hello? Who are you? W-what?" You look around in sudden surprise.

    "The whole point of the game is to find me silly!" A woman's voice replies, almost as if she couldn't hear you.

       "Oh!! Ok, I'll find you!!" A sudden ripple is felt at your toes from below. Looking down in the deep ocean, you see a woman and a child down there. The child looked awfully similar to you.

        "Is that me..." Your eyes don't dare to look away.

        "Found you mommy!!"

        "Good job sweetheart!!"

        The little child jumps and lands in the woman's arms for a hug. You can't help but smile while a tear slips down your face at the sight.

"This is probably what I experienced this morning..." You whisper to yourself as you wipe the tear. However, that happiness is short lived as you notice something red and gold below them.

        You quickly and worriedly snapped your head towards Kuma. Seeing he was all alone, you look around side to side before screeching out to kuma. "Where is Matt!?"

       Kuma's eyes widened at realization before looking around worriedly.

      Quickly, holding your breath, you go under the cold water. It's coldness numbs your face as you swim right down through the woman and your child version. As your hand hits them they turn into nothing more than sand and the sea. You don't try to stop though and swim deeper into the cold dark abyss until you reach your hand out and grab onto the edge of the red thing you noticed. Pulling it closer to you, you were correct with what you originally thought, it was Matt. As you grab him and pull him closer to yourself, his eyes flash toward you in panic. Looking down you noticed his leg was tied up in a long strand of seaweed.

Quickly, you attempt to pull it out but that doesn't work. It also didn't help that Matt was visibly beginning to lose consciousness. In a last minute decision you swim back up to the surface to grab some fresh air. With no spare time to waste, you swim back down and grab onto Matt.


         Your heart thumps as you grab Matt's face gently. With no time left and no more decision, you lean in to kiss him. Hoping to give him even the littlest air to breath. When your lips slip into each other, a tingle sensation shoots throughout your whole body. You desperately wanted to lean more into the kiss. Into his warm touch. But you knew you shouldn't, couldn't. This wasn't the time, you couldn't allow Matt to drown if you fall into your sudden desire.

The Other Side: BloodLust (2p Hetalia x reader)Where stories live. Discover now