//Chapter 3: Oliver's Sweet Treats//

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Oh god, you didn't know if you should cheer or cry at the sight of Arthur's 2p.

            He sure didn't look intimidating. Especially since he was covered from head to toe in pink and baby blue in a gentlemanly fashion type of twist. Even his hair had a pink tint to it, kind of like a strawberry blonde. Actually, the man before you reminded you more of a girl than a gentleman, especially with those long lashes of his. Though, you shouldn't forget he did just kill a man a couple of seconds ago.

"Oh wow..." You mumble out, once you finally take a better look at his eyes. Not only were they a fascinating baby blue, they as well had little faint swirls of pink in them. It was really gorgeous, an eye color like this could never exist in your world.

           "Poppet? You know it isn't great manners to stare right?" The Arthur look-alike spoke as he cleaned the blood off of himself. His smexy raw British accent is clearly present. All you can think to yourself is that you want to hear him speak more. You were still a stupid sucker for British accents. So hearing it without having to pay the price of Arthur cursing you or someone else out was rather refreshing.

            "Ahh...yeah sorry... Thanks by the way with the...guy..." You say, kind of out of it.

             "Not a problem!!," The man happily states, as he offers you his hand to help you to your feet. "My name is Oliver and I own this fine establishment. By the way.., What are you doing here at a time like this, poppet? It is rather dark already. Are you a customer?"

               "Actually, I'm here for a new job. Your employee left after I made him the cupcakes to try..." You explain as you show him the flyer Vas had given you. Instantly he perks up at the sight of it.

               "Oh that's wonderful my dear!!! Come here, Come here." Oliver giggles excitedly as he practically dragged you over to sit at a table near the window. Fixing the little bow tie of his, Oliver composes himself and clears his throat, "So,...."

Oliver seems to pause for a second leaving you confused. You watch as he gestures to you to speak and then it hits you on what he is asking.

"Oh, My name is (y/n). (Y/N) (L/N)."

"My what a lovely name, for a gorgeous beau such as yourself~" Oliver tells you as he grabs one of your hands to place a soft kiss on the knuckles. The pink swirls in his eyes start to grow more prominent as he does this.

"Oh... why thank you?" Your response comes out more as a question than what you intended but Oliver isn't faltered by it in any way. You guessed the whole Red string, or soulmate thing, has already taken effect on him, "I think you are quite umm.. Handsome yourself. I really like your eyes."

"Why thank you! You see it is—" Oliver starts going off in a tangent about his unusual eyes while you think. Damn, why did Vas do this to you. You kind of knew from what he said that you were likely to run into a 2p again. But seriously, England's 2p? Wait a minute... He's England 2p! That means—

Looking around, your eyes lock onto a specific shelf of books. It was clear those were Magic books. Perhaps could he break the spell Arthur casted? Oliver was his copy pretty much.

"You okay poppet? You look distracted by something."

"Ah.. sorry. I just happened to notice you have some spell books up there." You inform Oliver while pointing at the shelves. The pink man gasps before letting out a small giggle.

"I didn't know you knew about Magic as well, (y/n)."

"Oh yeah. I had an... old friend of mine show me some spells a couple years back. Nothing special, I'm not that good at it."

The Other Side: BloodLust (2p Hetalia x reader)Where stories live. Discover now