//Chapter 8: Flavio The Fabulous//

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Warning: Again Mature Content! Please do not go further if you are uncomfortable.


As Veronica sashayed to answer the door, you are left in a thick silence with the others in the room; Each of them instantly fixing their appearance in a hurried manner along with reapplying their makeup. It was almost as if their lives were on the line or something.

"This guy must be a big deal..." You mutter to yourself as you quickly help Kuma take out the bows in his hair. "Any idea who it could be?"

"A small one, I don't want to mistake who it is however. It could cost us," Kuma mutters as he nudges you behind him, "For all I know all of the Axis could have showed up."

"I hope not."

"Oh~ Veronica darling~ how are you?~" An sudden Italian flamboyant accent is heard from the hall.

"Shit..." Kuma mutters. It seemed like Kuma recognized who it was, especially since he pressed further into me. Signaling to back up further away from the door.

"Oh! Mr. Vargas I'm doing very well-l. Today I want you to meet someone very special~" Veronica replies happily. Vargas? That last name seems oddly familiar.

As you watch Veronica walk back into the room, your heart is practically thumping out of your chest in anxiety. A couple of seconds, which felt like forever, passes before the other person walks in. He was looking at the other side of the room, not seeming to recognize you were even in the room. First, your eyes catch his blonde hair, then his red scarf and finally his white suit. As you do a double take you can't seem to recognize the man as any of the countries you knew.

That is until he finally turns his head to look in your direction. Crap, you could recognize that face and curl from a mile away. No doubt about it. It was Romano's 2p.

Romano's 2p stares at you and Kuma for a couple of minutes before flashing you a small smile and begins to walk his way over.

"M-Mr. Vargas-s. What about—" Veronica stutters out from her spot next to another model, though she quickly shuts up when Romano holds up his hand signaling to her to be quiet. That was the power he held over her, huh?

"Veronica, tell me about this one." He says as he stops before you.

"O-of course sir-r" Veronica says as she quickly makes her way over. The model let out a small sigh in relief at not having to be checked. You almost felt bad for the woman, "This is Starlight. We found them at the marketplace and I just thought they would be—"

"Which market place?"

"U-uh. The ones near the docks Sir. The—"

"Oh I see~ I would like everyone to leave so I can speak privately with..." Romano pauses for a minute before looking over to you, "What's your real name?"

"S-sir you know we can't—"

"Are you refusing orders Veronica?" Romano states as he turns back to the woman. She starts to shake as he walks up to her. The others in the room, even Kuma, look very tense as well. "You do know what happens to those who refuse orders from us, correct?"

Suddenly from the corner of your eye, you see some men in black suits walk in. They were clearly part of the Japanese mafia. You could tell from the trademark Yakuza tattoos covering them. What was it that Arthur warned you about them again?


"Hey Arthur," You ask before quickly moving closer to Ivan so you don't lose them in the crowded streets of New York. The Allies and yourself were currently making your way to go grab lunch somewhere during the meeting break.

The Other Side: BloodLust (2p Hetalia x reader)Where stories live. Discover now