//Chapter 8.6//

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WARNING: Mature Content.


As the one lantern in the room flickers, Kuro continues to stare at you. Waiting for you to answer, though you had a feeling he already knew it. Letting out a small chuckle he lets go over your hand and leans back into a sitting position, allowing you to pull your hand back towards yourself. "I'm going to take your silence as a yes."

Irked at his reaction, you only scoff in response. You swore, none of these 2ps countries knew a thing about something called 'Boundaries'. Suddenly, before you could insult Kuro, a knock is heard at the Shoji doors.

"Come in," Kuro states, and soon after his words come out his mouth, the waitress comes in. Carrying two plates, she places them down on the table before dismissing herself with a bow; closing the doors back behind her as she leaves. Looking down at the food you raise an eyebrow, it didn't look that odd from a normal Japanese meal in your opinion. There was a bowl of rice, some meat and what looked like pickled vegetables or seaweed of some sort. Looking back up, you see Kuro had an identical plate and had already begun eating. Shrugging, you dig into your meal.

"Hmm?" You hum out, your eyebrows scrunching as you chew the meat. It wasn't because it was bad, far from it actually, it was due to have never tasted this type of meat before. You knew it was some sort of red meat, a quite tough one at that as well. But it oddly had a sharp taste, just like how veal or game meat does. Taking another bite you are surprised once again, your second piece was different from the first. This time the meat still had the same texture and bite at the end but it tasted more similar to high-quality pork. Was it from two different cuts?

Knowing it was bad japanese etiquette to not finish your food, you eat the rest of the meat and other dishes with it. It seemed as if the meat was the only strange part of the dish, as the pickled vegetables and rice were completely normal.

"Was the meal to your taste?" Kuro asks as he finally finishes his, "That meat is high quality from Japan."

"Oh I see. It was actually excellent. One of the best I've ever had." You answer, nodding your head and not deciding to press into the strange meat choice. Perhaps it was similar to Wagyu beef, maybe even the 2p version. Most likely that was what it was, since this meat tastes like it could be one of the most high quality meats in the world.

"I'm glad," Kuro chuckles out, a small smile on his lips.

"W-what are you doing?" You asked, startled as Kuro gets up and takes a seat next to you. He doesn't make any further attempts to get closer to you however. Staring into those emotionless ruby eyes, you see something mischievous brewing underneath.

"Could I have a kiss (y/n)-Chan?" Kuro bluntly says, nothing in his posture or face faltering as those words come out of his mouth. You can't help but freeze. You wanted to scream out no, but he also had a katana at his side. You don't feel like being filleted like a fish by the japanese man before you. Almost as if he could sense your predicament, Kuro continues, "I have no desire to force you into kissing me. It would be highly dishonorable of me to do that."

"W-w-what? Then if that's the case, no way!" You tell him, backing up a bit more. His expression still doesn't change. Making you wonder if he was just messing with you or not, "You also don't look like you want it in the first place!?"

"I do. I really want it actually," Kuro states as he leans back against the Zaisu chair, closing his eyes slightly, "I'm sure you've already guessed this but 'Love' isn't something a part of this world. Especially when it comes to truly feeling it. So I can't help but ask something as stupid as that when a possible rare thing is right in front of me."

The Other Side: BloodLust (2p Hetalia x reader)Where stories live. Discover now