//Chapter 8.3//

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Warning: Again Mature Content and If the last chapter didn't give it away, 2p Japan is a cannibal (someone who eats other humans), I don't go in detail about gore and consumption but it is mentioned.


"Minty, you can't be serious..." Sapphire whispers through gritted teeth. She probably meant for you not to hear but you heard anyway, "We can't test our luck like this."

"Oh come on. This one has some talent with cracking Flavio's tough shell. Why don't we test it on Kuro? He's here right now isn't he?" After that name falls out of Minty's mouth, the others begin to bicker between each other. Kuro? Who is Kuro? Could he perhaps be another 2p representative?

"Hey Kuma who is—" You are cut off by the worried look on the bear's face. He looked drop dead terrified, almost as if all the color drained from his face. Just from that look on his face, you grow scared. He's never looked this scared before, not even when meeting Flavio, Matt or anyone else. Who exactly was this Kuro guy? Slowly, Kuma looks up to you and gives you a serious yet grim face.

"(Y/n), we need to get out of here. Right. Now." You can only nod your head and quickly follow after the bear. Thankfully, the five were still bickering and the other models didn't seem to care about what you were doing, so no one noticed you leaving the room. Slowly, you followed after Kuma through the halls, extremely nervous. Especially at the high lack of guards in a place like this. Why were—

You suddenly freeze at the sound of a floorboard squeaking somewhere behind you. Quickly, you flick your head around and hold your breath. You stare, breathing slightly shaking, at the empty hallway behind you. You swore you heard something behind you. You hoped you weren't just imagining a sound like that, "K-Kuma did you—.... Shit..."

As you turn back around, Kuma is nowhere in sight. He must have not noticed you had stopped and continued forward. What do you do now? This mansion is like a maze and he could be anywhere. But at the same time, you could also not wait here for Kuma to come back, a guard could pop out of anywhere and at any time.

"Now, what are you doing here...?" Every drop of your blood freezes. That voice sounded so familiar. Slowly, turning your head around, your eyes lock eyes with none other than Japan's 2p. He walked so quietly you couldn't even hear him approaching you.

"O-oh.. I-I got lost." You quickly explain. You were actually starting to get used to bumping into 2ps at this point. Though, in this case, you were surprised you kept your cool. Japan's 2p looked absolutely terrifying. Especially since his crimson red eyes almost looked like they were glowing against that vampire-ish pale skin of his.

"Lost? How so?" He pressed further, seeming to want to make you crack for some reason.

"Well, F—Mr. Vargas kicked all the models out of the room for a couple of minutes and I went to use the bathroom. And I kind of got lost from there-e on my way back..."

It's quiet for a couple of minutes as Kuro just stands there and continues to stare at you. Almost as if he was peering into that soul of yours. Soon, it passes as he just looks away and sighs, "I see... Follow me."

You nod your head and quickly follow after him. You didn't exactly want to go back to the room with the other models but you had no other options since you would like to stay under Japan's 2p radar. Plus, you could try to find Kuma at the party and make your escape from there. Suddenly, realization hits you as Minty's words from before echo in your head.

"...Why don't we test it on Kuro? He's here right now isn't he?"

So, This Kuro is 2p Japan. Though, as you watched the man, you couldn't help but wonder why Kuma and the other ladies were so frightened by him; especially Kuma. Sure, he looked intimidating but so was Matt and Allen; they actually scared you more than Kuma. What made him so special that—?

The Other Side: BloodLust (2p Hetalia x reader)Where stories live. Discover now