//Chapter 8.9//

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Warning: Mature content (slight lemon)


Unable to hold your laughter in any longer, you hide your head in Kuro's shoulder. Hoping Kuma won't notice. However, it seemed Lutz did and he was quite proud about it. Slightly puffing out his chest a bit at the sudden swell of overconfidence.

"Cool, right? Matt might boast about being able to wrestle bull moose but I can cradle his polar bear like a little baby." Lutz boosted, causing Kuro to let out a small sigh in disappointment.

"Matt can cradle me too—" Kuma starts but is cut off as Lutz shushes him quiet.

"Not cool. I'm trying to impress the Liebling." Lutz informs the bear in a harsh whisper. Probably not wanting anyone else to hear but you do anyway, "I want a piece of that."

At those last words out of Lutz's mouth, You lift your head off Kuro's shoulder to turn to him. Also in the process, catching Lutz gesturing at you. Meaning he was referring to you about that last portion.

"Excuse me?" You say baffled and confused. As you say this, Kuma uses the opportunity of Lutz being distracted to jump out of his arms. At the jump it catches Lutz off balance but he doesn't fall. As he attempts to catch his balance, the german man curses the bear out in his native language before turning back to you. And, boy, you did not like the look he was giving you.

"What did you mean 'excuse me'? Anyone would want a piece of a hottie like you." Lutz informs you, wiggling his eyebrows and giving you grabby hands to emphasize his point. You feel heat begin to rise up the edge of your neck at his statement and before you can even attempt to catch your thoughts you feel a harsh squeeze at your butt.

"Don't attempt it, Lutz," Kuro states, giving Lutz a very serious glare. Though, even with Kuro's cold look, Lutz lets out a loud chuckle. Almost as if he believed what Kuro said was a joke. Quickly, Lutz closes the shoji doors and takes a seat on the ground closely next to you and Kuro.

"You wound me, My friend. You know that's not what I was referring to..." Lutz eyes flicker down a little and you are confused for a minute until you realize he was eyeing your chest.

"H-Hey!" You spit out to the perverted german, shifting your front away from him. Then again, he wasn't any better than Kuro's who still didn't even attempt to move his hands off your behind.

"Don't be so shy Liebe~," Lutz coos at you as he comes a little closer, "It doesn't matter if it's a male, female or someone else's chest. I find them all likable in their own ways. Yours is especially perfect, it's delectable really. I honestly just wanna take two of my fingers and pinch them aro—"

"Gross!" Kuma yells from his spot in the corner like a small child. Slightly pressing himself further into said corner as the german turns his head to look at the bear. Did Lutz embarrass him that bad...?

Before you can attempt to talk to Kuma, possibly to beg him to get you out of this mess, you are lifted up and moved. It takes you a couple of seconds but you quickly realize you were still on Kuro's lap but were now facing Lutz. Realizing what was happening as well, Lutz seems to light up a bit.

"Don't get too excited or ahead of yourself, Lutz," Kuro warns before he presses a kiss on the back of your neck. Causing you to slightly shiver at the moist yet loving touch.

"Don't worry I won't touch their butt. I know you would beat me senseless if I did that," Lutz jokes to his friend as he places a hand on your cheek. However as he turns his attention to you, he gives you a slightly more serious yet also gentle look, "Don't be tense. I'm not going to press you into something you don't want to."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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