//Chapter 1: The Beginning//

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(Y/n)=Your name

(L/n)=Last name

(H/c)=Hair color


The cool morning autumn air tickled and pricked at your skin as you stepped out of your hotel and onto the London streets. Subconsciously, due to the cold outdoors, you bring the thin jacket you were wearing closer to your body, hoping to generate a bit more warmth as a result. Why did it have to be cold out this morning, you think to yourself in vain. You just prayed this was the last of your problems for this morning.

However, as you continued on with your morning onto work, you couldn't help but feel as if something was just completely off. You knew England wasn't known for their cheerful or sunny environment but the usual loud chirping birds that were present around the hotel when you had arrived yesterday were silent and unseen. Along with that, the sun was completely hidden under the very dark angry storm clouds. How weird.

Quickly, you begin to quicken up your pace to hopefully get to the World meeting hall faster. It was just you had this unsettling feeling that you had to get there as quickly as you could. Even though you knew that England was known for their stormy weather, it was just this type of stormy weather that had NEVER happened in your previous visits. You actually would have thought you were in a scene from one of Alfred's cheap horror movies if it weren't for the mobs of people that walked through the London streets.

"Focus, (y/n). Focus" You mumble under breath; shaking your thoughts aside as the London world meeting hall came into view. No, you were not a country. Though, you think that would be pretty awesome if you were. But, at the very least, your lifespan was the same as them.

It all started back during the First World War, the Soviet Union had been under attack and bombed from above by the Central Powers. Sadly, one such bomb hit a radiation plant located near a town of people, causing it to explode and leak into the surrounding environment. Everyone was assumed to have died, of course, but it turned out an asleep 17 year old (y/n) was found still alive by soviet scientist who had come to clean up the mess.

The government of the Soviet Union was shocked by such findings but in all unanimously agreed to put you into a secured secret place to be watched and tested upon.

During the first 4 years, you had aged but during that following 5th year, at the age of 21, you had suddenly stopped. Scientists tested every possible way they could to somehow understand why that was the case but came up with nothing. They continued to try to test you for a number of years after but, due to a huge budget loss, the government ended up abandoning the project and left you in the lab. You are still unsure of when they left you in the abandoned laboratory since the records never stated but you assumed it was quite a while. Especially since you awoke sometime after the end of the 2nd world war, due to the radiation being fully cleansed from out of your body. It probably seemed all great and dandy finally waking up but you had one small problem...

Well, actually, more of a large problem since your memories... were gone.

You couldn't remember a thing about your life from before and the only reason you even knew your own name was from a dusty patient bracket on your arm. Confused and freaked out, you made your way out of the old lab. But was soon met by the Russian military,... armed with guns...who was notified of movement in the old secret building.

Not your best first moments of your new life but it all turned out fine in the end.

Instead of continuing to be experimented on, you were allowed to be given a job to be allowed to work with the countries. As well as being given a new found family in a way.

The Other Side: BloodLust (2p Hetalia x reader)Where stories live. Discover now