//Chapter 4: Oh...noo The Truth//

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            Ring.  Ring.  Ring.

The London bridge is falling down....

           Falling down...

Falling down... my fair lady...

            Slowly, you open your heavy eyes. As you get up from your bed, you slightly stumble from the shaking aftershock of the loud Big Ben bell.

"What's with that music...?" You mumble to yourself as you struggle to make your way to the window and to open it up. Finally getting it open you stick your head out, it was only early morning but the sun was already out. It was hard to tell however since the smog and smoke covered up most of the light peeking through. Turning your attention away from the sky, you hear the song continuously playing throughout the streets of London. You can't seem to pinpoint where it is coming from when eyeing around. That is until you see military made loudspeakers attached to some of the roofs of the buildings. It must be playing from those.... Oliver wasn't kidding about the fact this queen was a—

"You insane old coot! Stop playing your music so loud in the morning!!" Speaking of the devil, you turn your head down to see Oliver in front of the building, yelling out nonsense in anger in the general direction of buckingham palace.

"He really doesn't care if people see..." You mumble to yourself as you spot people walking by, some staring at him while others just sped up their pace.

"Oh hello there poppet. I hope I didn't wake you up~" Oliver says, calm down and cheerful now that he has noticed you. You wonder if Oliver has some sort of Bipolar disorder. Arthur told you once that all of the 2ps had mental illnesses. Though, you couldn't tell at the time if he was being sarcastic or not.

"A-ah yeah. I'm just going to get changed. I'll be down in a bit." You informed him before closing your window and the blinds.


After a while, you are fully dressed and ready to make your way down the stairs. Before leaving, you take one last look at yourself in the mirror.

"Breathe (y/n). You got this..." Allowing yourself to take a deep breath to calm yourself. You finally feel ready to conquer the world.

As you make it to the last step, you try to call out the Oliver to find out where he is, "Hey Oliver what should I—"


           Suddenly, you feel a harsh slap to your butt. It was so harsh and stung so bad you quickly scramble away with a loud eep. Not looking where you were going, you run into something hard.

         "Hahahaha your fucking face is priceless! " A Thick New York Accent cackles out from behind you. Swirling your head around, you see a man that was America's 2p laughing at you. Once he stops laughing and opens his eyes, You can get a clear look at his cherry red eyes.


           Your heart rate suddenly starts to accelerate faster and faster. Crap, why do all the 2ps you meet have to be so darn handsome.

             "Allen! Do I have to deal with you." An angry Oliver shouts from somewhere.

             "Al! Not Allen!" Allen, or rather Al, angrily barks back."You are starting to get as annoying as Matt!"

               "Care to say that to my face asswipe!?!" You jump in surprise at the loud voice near your ear. Turning back around and looking up, you see that you hadn't run into something before but rather someone. Even though he wore thick black sunglasses, you could see a slight tint of his light purple eyes shining through.            

The Other Side: BloodLust (2p Hetalia x reader)Where stories live. Discover now