//Chapter 7: Axis' Alusive Territory//

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Warning: Slight mature content ahead. You have been warned!!!




          The loud honking of the ship's siren sounds. It has been three days since you have snuck your way on a military ship traveling to Italy. Three really, really, long... days.

           "Hurk-ughhhhh...." After finishing hurling the rest of your lunch off the edge of the ship, you grab a bottle of water to wash out your mouth and quickly collapse next to the railing. Not wanting to travel far just in case you have to puke again.

        You wish you knew that you were able to get seasick easily before getting on the ship. Or at least you think you are seasick, You hoped you weren't actually sick and had contacted something from Matt when you two—

          "Ugh why do I keep on thinking about it!!" You yell to yourself, as you throw your head back, slapping your warm face.

          "Oh, blushing again (y/n)? You still thinking of the kiss with—"

          "Don't!," You mutter out to Kuma who had walked over to find you.

         "Why? Oh~ is someone bashful that they kissed McMattie~" You choose to just roll your eyes at Kuma's comment and turn to look down at the water below. You've gotten used to Kuma's relentless teasing by now.


         "What?? Is it more of your stupid comments?" You bark at him, Just wanting to take a fat nap right now.

          "No. Look, we have arrived in Italy..."

            He wasn't lying either, looking up from the ocean you see a land mass in the distance. As the boat gets closer and closer, you could see the majestic Roman architecture of Rome come into view. You were kind of surprised by the fact the capital was still in such a nice shape in this world.

          "I'm surprised. Rome looks so pretty here"

           "That's what everyone thinks. That is until you get stuck there..."

           "Huh? What do you mean?" You ask, confused at what Kuma meant.

           "Italy may be in a nice shape but that's all because it is basically under control by the Mafia. The citizens are brainwashed to believe everything is alright but the Mafia and other Gang's run rampant in the streets. If you look even the slightest out of place, you are captured and questioned." Kuma explains, growing more and more nervous as the boat comes closer to the shore.

"Huh? Then why did we come here?! That sounds dangerous!"

"Well, the only place to hide from the Allies is Axis territory. Italy at least allows traders and travelers to come through while Japan and Germany do not. If we mess up sneaking in, the language or one proper etiquette in the other two, we are goners."

"Oh boy..." You sigh, shaking your head. You hoped you remembered some Italian from Felicano and Romano to at least hear what the guards will be saying.

          "Come on, let's find some disguises...I think I found some clothes to disguise ourselves on the lower level..." Kuma informs you before heading inside the ship. Quickly you follow in tow.


          "Mamma!  Guarda!  Guarda lo zingaro e l'orso!" A little Italian girl shouts towards her mother, while pointing at us.

The Other Side: BloodLust (2p Hetalia x reader)Where stories live. Discover now