//Chapter 6: Into the Seashell Shore//

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A cold tear falls down your face as you slowly begin to wake up. The dewy sunshine morning greets you as you crack open your eyes. Reaching a hand up to touch your cold face, you wipe the tears away to clear my vision. You had no idea why you were crying. You wished you knew why but you couldn't remember a thing. Yet, for some odd reason, you knew it wasn't some dream or nightmare... You felt as if whatever it was somehow familiar. you were still filled with nostalgia...like you just relived a memory.

           Sighing in frustration, you look up to the sky. After a couple of minutes just laying there you realize that the trees around you were moving. Passing you in a way.


          Slowly sitting up and blinking. Once. Twice. And finally a third time. It hits you that have been sleeping on Kuma's back, it was pretty obvious now from the fact you were looking at a polar bear's butt.

            "Good morning sleeping beauty..." Kuma calls sarcastically to you.

           "Hey, come on Kuma. I just can't wake up at the crack of dawn like you" You reply back, snickering as you lay back down on his back.

           "It's one o'clock in the afternoon, genius..." Kuma deadpans to you. A slight heat of embarrassment falls upon your face. You can't believe you slept that long.

           Huffing in defeat, which also caused Kuma to let out a small chuckle, you decide to jump off Kuma's back to give him a break from carrying you. Though, you ended up mistiming your jump causing you to instead of landing gracefully on you feet... to fall flat on your face.

         Kuma notices but chose not to make a comment, only snorting slightly before continuing to move on. Standing up, you wipe the dirt off your face and go to follow after the bear but soon stop when you noticed where you were. Surrounding you was a breathtaking wildflower field located in the center of a forested area.

"(Y/n) hurry up," Kuma calls, making you quickly catch up to him. Even though you couldn't stop to take in the field of flowers, you could still take in the sweet scent they produced. It was way better than the smoke and sewer smell you smelt from London. It was sweet, refreshing... and salty?

Sniffing again, you realized you weren't just smelling salt. You were smelling the ocean, an ocean breeze more specifically.

          "Hey Kuma. Where are we??" You ask, looking around for any clues that could help.

          "I've been up since sunrise. Just about a few minutes ago I saw a sign that said we were in Thornham, Eng—" Kuma suddenly stops talking and turns around to face you. You look at him in confusion as the bear looks at you with narrowed eyes before suddenly jumping towards you. Quickly, you go to jump back to get away from him but Kuma was too fast and was able to bite the collar of your shirt before sprinting off with you. Dragging you across the grass and flowers.

           "Kuma!! Let me go! What is wro-"

          The loud sound of cracking and snapping suddenly reaches your ears from the direction you had come from. Craning your head, you look over to see a bunch of soldiers jumping out of the brush. You were being tailed.

Quickly, Kuma spots the soldiers holding up their guns, and begins zigzagging to confuse their aim. You let out a small gasp as one skids right by your arm, leaving a cut and small burn. The soldiers must be top of the line, since after a couple more close hits by the bullets, Kuma is forced to run off into the woods.

            Though, after a while, before you two can a good distance away he suddenly comes to a screeching stop. You look up at the bear confused as he looks around in worry before dropping you out of his mouth and getting in front of you to shield you.

The Other Side: BloodLust (2p Hetalia x reader)Where stories live. Discover now