6. No More Ignoring

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(Hey guys! I'm back! Sorry, for the long wait, but I hope you enjoy the chapter)

"Don't touch me!" I shouted as I pulled my hand out of Shocks grip.

"Aw, princess. There's no need to be afraid" Barrel teased.

"If my father were here, you three would be dead!" I threatened.

"Can't kill what's already dead" Shock said as they began to walk towards me.

"Back off! Why can't you just leave me alone!" I shouted, holding back the tears that threatened to fall.

"We've been asking ourselves that ever since we met you. Why don't you try to answer it" Lock said.

"How should I know! I just wanted to go to highschool like a normal kid! But then all this happened!" I shouted. I bit my lip to keep in my cries.

"Don't cry, princess" Shock said.

"I'm not!" I argued. She began to walk towards me, but I backed away. "Don't you dare even think about coming close to me"

"Hey, we're not gonna hurt you" Shock reassured.

"I don't believe you!" I said with venom lacing my voice. "And I have every right to not believe you! You hurt my only friend! You continuously tried to talk to me when you knew I wasn't allowed! And then you said you were going to teach me a lesson!"

I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. I looked away from them as I cried. I was embarrassed... I felt way too vulnerable right now.

"D-don't look at me!" I cried as I could feel their stares boring into my back. I held my face in my hands, trying to quiet my sobs.

My hands were pulled away from my face by Shock. She looked at me before sending me a smile that I couldn't tell if it was real or fake.

"Hey, I know we haven't been the nicest. In fact, we've been quite terrible" Shock admitted. "But, don't cry" I looked at her in confusion. Did she just admit they were wrong?

"I-...um...are y-you serious?" I asked. She smirked deviously.

"Gotcha" She sneered. My eyes widened when hands wrapped around my waist.

The person yanked me up, so I was standing. I squirmed in their grip trying to get away.

They pushed me against a tree and wrapped their hands around my neck. Lock...

"L-let-" I couldn't even finish my statement, because he tightened his grip and I began to lose air.

"Here's what's gonna happen, princess. Listen carefully because I WON'T repeat myself" Lock said. I nodded immediately. I didn't want to do anything to make him mad considering he literally had my life in his hands.

His grip loosened a bit just enough so I could breath, but not enough for me to escape. He put his free hand against the tree.

"I don't give a shit what your daddy says, you're gonna stop avoiding and ignoring us, understand?" Lock questioned threateningly.

"Y-yes" I stuttered in fear.

"And just to be sure you do what we say. If you ignore or avoid us in anyway, we'll be doing a lot more than mocking Mason" Lock said with a smirk.

"Please, don't h-hurt him" I begged as more tears slipped down my already red cheeks.

"We won't... As long as you do what we say" Barrel stated. Lock let go of my neck and I slide down the tree, mortified.

"You're so cute when you're scared" Shock teased.

"Now run on home and don't tell your father about this or...well you already know what will happen" Lock said.

I didn't hesitate to run away from the three bullies. This is insane...what am I gonna do?

(Hope you enjoyed! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

Bad Influences ~ (YANDERE! Lock, Shock, & Barrel x reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now