30. Oogie's A Father

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"Wake up!" Y/N exclaimed as she shook Lock, Shock, and Barrel. She had just woken up and it turned out, her newfound partners were right about her needing sleep. She felt refreshed and energized. She was ready to start their journey.

Lock groaned and pulled the covers over his head. Barrel and Shock were still asleep, unbothered by Y/N's loud tone. Y/N huffed and sat back on the bed, looking down at the three of them.

Barrel's mouth was slightly agape, and his arms were sprawled out, his hands gripping the blanket. Shock's tank top had ridden up, showing off her chubby stomach, causing heat to rise in Y/N's cheeks.

Y/N climbed on top of Lock and pulled the blankets off his head, revealing a tired looking boy. But, despite his droopy eyes and dazed stare, that mischievous smile was still stretched across his prominent features.

"Eager, are we?" Lock teased, causing Y/N to roll her eyes.

"Eager to start the day," Y/N jokingly shut him down. Lock pulled her down, his arms engulfing her form, and catching her off guard.

"Guess what day it is?" Lock said.

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. "Uh, Saturday...I think"

Lock shook his head. "It's the first day that I get to call you, my girlfriend"

"Our girlfriend," Shock and Barrel corrected, their voices groggy and indicating that they had just woken up.

"You're awake!" Y/N beamed, crawling off Lock and tackling the two tired teens in a tight hug.

"We are now," Barrel mumbled.

"Good, that was my goal," Y/N said. She hopped off the bed and stretched her limbs, hearing certain bones crack and pop. She smiled, feeling less stiff than before.

"How are you so awake, right now?" Shock asked.

"I had a good night's sleep!" Y/N answered. "A bed is much more comfortable than the ground."

"Really? I never noticed," Lock said.

"All right, enough with the sarcasm," Y/N huffed. "Get up! It's time to get ready for the day."


Y/N felt blessed, to say the least. She was able to take another shower and was able to eat breakfast. Not too mention, she was perfectly rested from sleeping in a proper bed last night.

Y/N took a bite of her muffin as Oliver sat down next to Mason. Lock, Shock, and Barrel were sitting with Y/N. Mason smiled at Oliver, obviously being more comfortable with him, than he was the previous day.

"So, l-let me get this s-straight," Mason said, bringing his attention away from Oliver and back to his best friend. "W-We get separated for one n-night, and the next th-thing I know, you're dating all of th-them."

Y/N awkwardly laughed. "Yeah...that pretty much sums it up."

Mason seemed to contemplate the situation, then he shrugged. "Well, n-normally, I'd be upset. But, they've gained s-some decency during th-this whole trip, s-so...I'm okay w-with it."

"Really?" Lock asked. "Well, that's no fun." The red-haired male, had clearly been in the mood to tease Mason, but, unexpectedly, he was chill about the whole situation.

"Wh-What's that supposed to mean?" Mason asked, growing slightly offended and confused by Lock's choice of words.

"It was surprising," Barrel stated.

"Coming from you, at least," Shock added.

"Why would it be surprising?" Oliver asked, his arm, unconsciously, slipping around Mason's shoulders. Y/N raised an eyebrow, noticing the interaction immediately, and growing suspicious. But, it appeared her partners didn't realize, and if they did, they didn't express it facially.

Bad Influences ~ (YANDERE! Lock, Shock, & Barrel x reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now