13. Deal

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I placed my plate in the sink and walked back into the living room.

"You need to be more careful, Sally" Dad said in concern.

"I was careful, I told you I wasn't caught" Mom brushed off his worry.

"You weren't caught this time, but what about next time?" Jack asked.

"I won't be caught then either" Mom answered. Dad let out a sigh and crossed his arms.

"Is it okay if I go over to Mason's?" I asked. They looked over at me in surprise, they probably didn't know I was standing there.

"Of course, you can" Mom answered. I thanked her and walked out of the house.

Not many people were outside, but the ones who were would wave to me. My smile faded when I spotted a certain trio ahead of me.

They stood out a lot in the gloomy town and I immediately began to panic. They were laughing and talking to each other, so they hadn't seen me yet.

I quickly hid behind one of the many abondoned buildings in town. There's no way they would find me. Why would they even come back here if they didn't see me, they wouldn't.

How am I supposed to know when they're gone? I'll just wait a bit, I wanna be sure that they're gone.

"Hey there, princess" I turned and groaned in annoyance. "What? You aren't happy to see us?"

"Why would I be happy to see you?" I asked spitefully. "I was just leaving anyway"

"The hell you are" Shock stepped in front of me and sent me a crazed grin.

"What are you even doing back here?" I asked.

"We saw you" Lock stated. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.


"You're not as sneaky as you thought" Shock said. I sent them a glare.

"I really have to go, now" I said. I went to move, but Lock pushed me back against the building. "Ow"

"Where were you headed, princess?" Lock asked.

"I was just going for a walk" I lied. There was no way I'd tell them where I was actually going and risk Mason getting hurt.

"Really?" Shock asked. I nodded.

"You better not be lying, it'd be a shame if something were to happen to Mason" Barrel threatened.

"I'm not lying! Now, why can't you just let me leave? Isn't being forced to hang out with you at school enough?" I asked bitterly.

"Hmm...now that you mention it...it's not" Shock said.

"Th-thats not-" I began.

"That's not what?" Shock asked teasingly.

"It was a rhetorical question!" I answered in frustration. They all laughed, causing me to get angrier. "What do you want?"

"We want you to spend as much time with us, as you spend with Mason" Lock answered.

"But...Fine, whatever! I will IF you stop bullying Mason" I demanded. They scoffed and rolled their eyes.

"No" Lock denied.

"Then, no deal" I stated.

"Fine! But...whatever you do with Mason, you do with us" Lock said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I mean if you hug him, you hug us. If you hold his hand, you hold ours, etc" Lock explained.

"But, he's my friend! There's a reason I do that with him" I said, suddenly growing defensive.

"Well, make up your mind. We're being reasonable with you" Barrel demanded. I could tell he was growing impatient

"Okay..." I agreed reluctantly. Lock leaned close to my ear to whisper something.

"And don't think just because we aren't there doesn't mean we aren't watching, we'll always know, princess" Lock teased.

I pushed him away and ran off. I headed towards Mason's house, wanting to lighten up my mood from that whole ordeal. 

These three are gonna make me lose my mind...

(Hope you enjoyed! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

Bad Influences ~ (YANDERE! Lock, Shock, & Barrel x reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now