31. Hesitation

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Your father and I were involved with some bad people. They didn't want us to have you and when they tried to kill you, we turned against them. That is what got us into this whole mess. We moved to a new state, but they found us almost immediately. They shot your father and now are looking for us. I don't know if I'll survive, but I promise you that you will. If you're reading this then I'll know I've succeeded. I can't tell you who we were involved with, because that could put you in danger. When these people leave I'm going to try and find somewhere for you to go. Somewhere far away and safe. Where they will never find you.

Y/N's mother was right, in a way. Even if it wasn't intentional, and she didn't mean for Y/N to end up in Halloween Town, it had still been the safest place for her. And, the best place.

The bad men never found her. Because who would ever think that she had ended up in a separate world, dedicated to a Holiday? No one.

In fact, most of the men involved with the murder of Y/N's father, were either deceased or had retired from the whole Mafia business, and were now raising families of their own.

It was ironic, in a way. Y/N's father was killed and her mother was hunted all because they wanted to have a family, but now, those same men who were against it, were raising their own children. It was all an act of hypocrisy.

But, that didn't mean all of the men had retired or died. There was one left. One that had searched for Y/N and her mother for years, and hadn't been able to find them. But, he would find them now. He had been alerted and his anger had been unhinged, after Oogie had set fire to his home.

Now, that man was following the four creepy parents. He had been stunned, to say the least. Maybe, terrified? He had expected people, not...Zombies? Monsters? Whatever they were.

He was ready to give up the chase, due to his fear, until he heard the skeleton say something. Something that confirmed his mindless research and loathing, had all been worth it. He said Y/N's name. 


"I'm hungry," Y/N said, as she leaned her head against Barrel's shoulder.

They had been walking for hours and it was a little past lunch time. Oliver hadn't informed the group that Bailey L/N (Y/N's mom) lived quite far out. Away from the rest of the town. For safety reasons.

"Why don't we stop for lunch?" Oliver suggested.

"But-But, we don't have any money," Mason pointed out.

"Who's 'we'?" Oliver teased, as he pulled a wallet out of his pocket. "I can pay for you all."

"Really?" Mason beamed. "That's so-that's so sweet!"

"It would be nice to get out of the cold," Y/N nodded in agreement.

"And my feet are killing me," Barrel mumbled, as he leaned against a stop sign.

"We're in," Shock decided.

"Great!" Oliver beamed. "I know a great pizza place that's not too far from here."

"Pizza!" Y/N gleefully shouted.

"I'll lead the way!" Oliver declared, as he gently put his arm around Mason's shoulders and pulled him closer, their sides bumping together, causing a bright, pink, blush to spread across Mason's face like wildfire.


"Do you hear that?" Jack asked.

"What?" Oogie asked.

"I thought I heard...Y/N" He spoke.

"Do you-you think they're safe?" The mayor asked.

"We can only hope," Sally said, in an attempt to ease the mayor's worry.

Bad Influences ~ (YANDERE! Lock, Shock, & Barrel x reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now