20. Reassurance

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(Cosplay above is by @red_hareimages on Instagram. Be sure to check them out)

"So, what made you even decide to start looking for your mom?" Barrel asked. 

"Well, I got-" I began. 

"No!" Mason cut me off. I looked over at him in shock because of the slight rise in his voice and how there were no stutters.

"What is it, Mason?" Lock taunted. 

"You d-don't need to t-tell them" He put his hand on my shoulder. 

"Tell us what?" Shock asked. 

"I-It's none of y-your business" Mason stated. 

"Mason, it's fine," I said. He pulled me to the side, so the others wouldn't hear our conversation. 

"That was a private l-letter between you and y-your Mother" He began. "Th-they won't understand. They might r-ridicule you a-and make fun o-of you"

"They're helping us though" I pointed out. 

"I-I really don't think i-it's a good idea t-to share something s-so personal with th-them. At least, not u-until you know y-you can trust them" Mason finished. 

"Yeah, you're probably right" I agreed. We walked back over to the group, who looked annoyed. "I just wanted to try to find her"

"That's a bullshit lie" Lock stated. 

"W-well, maybe i-it doesn't have a-anything to do with you!" Mason defended. 

"Stay out of this!" Shock pointed a threatening finger at Mason. 

"Y-you stay out of it!" Mason demanded. "W-we didn't even w-want you three t-to come along in th-the first place"

"It's really hard to take you serious with all that damn stuttering" Lock insulted. 

"Hey!" I pushed Lock back, angry at what he said. "You leave him alone, asshole!"

"No, he needs to leave us alone!" Lock corrected. 

"Go to hell" Mason seethed through gritted teeth. 

"We vacation there!" Shock retorted. 

"Can you four just shut the fuck up?" Barrel snapped. "We're doing a pretty shit job at blending in. Especially with you starting fights every ten seconds"

Barrel grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. His grip was tight as if he expected me to pull away at any moment. Lock and Shock tried to pull me out of Barrel's grip, but he wasn't having any of it. He cracked his head in their direction. 

"Clearly, you two don't know how to be around her without starting a fight. So, I think for now she'll just stay up here with me" Barrel sneered.

"I'll decide where I'll stay!" I piped up. His grip tightened almost as a reminder of our deal. I rolled my eyes and went silent. 

"Fine! Whatever!" Lock scoffed. "See if I give a shit" 

Things went silent after that, the only sound was the occasional barking of a dog or a car driving by. Barrel's hand slowly let go of my wrist and instead he interlaced our hands. I looked up at him, expecting him to say something or to be looking at me. But, he was looking away, almost as if he wanted to pretend he wasn't willingly holding my hand. 

"Do you have any idea where your Mom lived? Or lives?" Lock asked. I shook my head. 

"How do you know she even lived in this town? She could be in an entirely different country for all we know" Lock said. 

"Well, two-year-old me was able to find a way into Halloween Town, so she must have lived close" I explained. 

"Do you know what she looks like?" Barrel asked. He finally turned to look at me, but he didn't let go of my hand. 


"Fuck! Do you know anything?" Lock asked in annoyance. I looked down, suddenly not feeling as hopeful about this mission. "I mean, honestly! You go out on this hopeless quest to find your Mom and you don't even know what she looks like"

I stopped walking which startled Barrel a bit. I looked up at our group. Our group of freaks. I wanted to cry. What was I thinking? I'm such an idiot. And to make it worse I dragged Mason along on this whole thing. 

"I'm sorry" I apologized. 

"What?" Lock and Shock asked in unison. 

"I'm so so sorry" I let go of Barrel's hand and covered my face. I didn't want them to see me cry, more importantly, I didn't want to cry. "This was useless. I shouldn't have dragged you along all because of some stupid childhood wish. We should go back, I've caused you enough trouble already"

"Fuck" mumbled Shock. 

"No, no, no" Lock denied. "Don't decide to go back because of what I said" He walked over and took my hands off my face. "I'm a fucking idiot, alright? I don't think before I say shit and I rarely mean the words that come out"

"He's right, he's an idiot" Shock agreed. 

"At least, w-we can all agree o-on one thing," Mason said. Barrel walked in front of me and held my hands tightly. 

"Look, we're gonna find your Mom, alright?" He comforted. I sniffled and felt my cheeks go hot when he wiped away a few tears with his thumb. "And don't let anything we say, discourage you. That's just our nature. We're always saying rude, inconsiderate shit. But, don't take it to heart"

"B-but, what if-" Shock cut me off. 

"No. Don't say 'what if'. Just trust us" Shock replied. "Your Mom is waiting for you somewhere and we're gonna find her"

"Y-yeah!" Mason agreed. "W-we might be able t-to find a p-picture of her s-somewhere"

"If your Mom had a job, they probably have a file of her, whether she still works there or not. That file could contain a picture. So, we need to find out where she used to work" Shock explained. 

"Or where she went to school. There would be pictures of her from picture day" Barrel said. "Of course, they wouldn't be as accurate because she would have aged since then. But, it would be a start"

"How are we going to find out any of that?" I asked. The wet tears on my face had caused me to grow even colder. The icy air hit my tear-stained face and I began to shiver. 

"Y-you're shivering. Y-you must be c-cold" Mason said. 

"Wow, what an astute observation, genius" Lock sarcastically commented. 

"Don't" Barrel said sternly. "We'll worry about finding out where she worked and stuff later. We need to find a place to warm Y/N"

"I'm fine" I replied. I was embarrassed being put on the spot. I felt weak and I didn't like it. They all looked at me, unfazed by the harsh cold, while I felt like I'd freeze. It was humiliating. 

"P-please, Y/N," Mason said. "I'm s-sure we can f-find some fire, s-somewhere"

"Another thing about the human world" Shock chimed in. "They don't just have fire around every corner. It's either in a fireplace or you have to make it"

"Th-then, let's make one" Mason said eagerly. 

"It might be difficult. I mean, seeing as how much Y/N's shaking, it must be very cold. Which will make starting a fire even harder" Lock explained. 

"It's worth a try" Barrel decided. "Let's go into the woods. We don't want to attract even more attention"

He held my hand once again and guided us into the woods. We were a decent distance in and sat down in a circle. Lock had grabbed two sticks and was smiling mischievously. He seemed a little too excited. 

"Fire is my specialty" He grinned with a devious twinkle in his eyes. 

I'm not sure if I should be worried or intrigued...

(Hope you enjoyed it! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

Bad Influences ~ (YANDERE! Lock, Shock, & Barrel x reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now